Fox needs halp. Can you supply it? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help me build a gaming rig! My price point is approximately 1200$USD, although I'm willing to spend a little more if it is worth it. I figure it is about time I had something, anything dedicated to gaming, especially since I haven't really bought any computer hardware for 2 years (except my 2tb external drive a year ago). I am going to need literally everything to build a computer - from the PSU to the thermal paste.
Requirements:Quad-core processor (at least i5, ivy bridge) 16gb RAM-ishShould not require special cooling rigI want a relatively small-to-mid sized tower -no behemoth that I can't move around if I wantWill need a monitor and keyboard/mouseDoesn't have to be cutting edge, but ought to be able to play recent games on high settingsI'm also plan on sort of using it as a NAS/server for streaming and maybe hosting some stuffI won't need to purchase an OS because I've got a Win7 Ultimate license.Seeing as I am terrible with hardware, I leave it up to you. Wander over to Newegg, and assemble parts that you think make the cut. Then we shall choose - via group consensus! Discussion and debate! All out brawling! Duels to the death! How you decide is up to you, just please help ;_;Sorry, derp. No money left over :<
I wouldn't wait for the new chip. I'd still get the gtx660, just wait for the price to drop. As far as a CPU, I would never wait unless it was next-day.
ChIkEn, mind supplying any reasoning beyond "No no no" ever?
(It might be about ASRock being an Asus subsidiary, looks like I was wrong about that)
Regardless, I don't know why the average user would need a fan for the optical drives, unless they were mounting some HDDs in there.
Oh, absolutely. I'm unsure as to why this is an unquestionable case.
Asrock is a horrible manufacturer, you'll be lucky if your house doesn't burn down if you use their parts
@firestormx: of course it's not the best case in the world, it's just logically laid out and has no LEDs, and is priced wellTo make this the easiest to explain: They are one of the manufacturers that supply pre-built garbage PCs parts, in mass. They're all low quality parts built by a tiny company (they only have like 250 employees). They do not do research, they buy the plans and manufacture. They don't have the in-depth knowledge that the other companies do. Their entire business model is around being cheap by cutting corners.
AND on what planet does house burning down not have some sort of explanation? They are low quality shit products. The people who buy them buy them because they're cheap and don't understand why cheap isn't always good.I own an ASRock and it's never given me any problems. It was around $160 at the time I believe, so it wasn't exactly the cheapest thing on earth.
So their great sin is supplying OEMs with parts that suck? Better stop buying Asus, Foxconn (though you should do that anyway), and Gigabyte then.