Moon-llama Rising

Posted by DesertFox on April 22, 2013, 4:50 p.m.

Hello people. There's a seat, and there's the door. Choose!

Alright, it seems you've chosen to stay and read my blog. This means that you are of the Chosen People. When the Moon-llama rises in the night sky during the Month of Crepuscular Solitude, you shall ascend with me to a higher plane. Probably a Learjet or something. This little Cessna just doesn't cut it anymore, we're looking to upgrade - its the higher maximum altitude, you see.

Told my mum that I have a boyfriend. It actually went over quite well - if anything she's proud that I've found someone. Its nice to have supportive family - it makes things a lot easier. For the last month, things have been positively excellent. I've still got my father to handle (somehow), but all in due time.

I've also bought a new bed. It is super-comfy - it has memory-foam padding on top :D My previous mattress was terrible. Massive dent in it where I'd curl up in the exact same position while reading or computing. It was, however, expensive. I think it shall end up being worth it though, if last night was any indicator. It may however make me late for work when my desire to remain beneath the covers is compounded by an extra-sleepy mattress.

Ben (the aforementioned boyfriend) is coming down for a week - he'll arrive tomorrow. I'm not sure what to do for the whole week - I've got a few things planned. Was going to see Wicked, but tickets were sold out. I was le' sad. So instead, we're going to see Avenue Q. Perverted puppets, he'll find it greatly amusing. General amusement shall be had, but also lots of time just sitting curled up on the couch. It is going to be nice.

I've also been playing video games more! Le gasp! Dishonored is a good game, but its AI needs some work. It is far too easy to just teleport behind someone, stab, rinse, and repeat. Still, lots of fun. Also, they need to tell people how to put away weapons - I found out by googling, because there was no mention of it in-game. Hitman: Absolution, however, is amazing. The AI is awesome, and the missions are quite challenging. Some are really disturbing (cue the meat factory level), but others just make you laugh (cue ninja nuns with machine guns). Being a 90's kid, I'd really, really like to see a modern James Bond game with Hitman: Absolution styled AI + disguises. I think it would be the culmination of everything my 13 year old self would have wanted in a video game.

To close up, I think I've got my groove back. For the last 6 or so months, I haven't really played games or worked on any personal projects - but I've started again. This time, no pie in the sky bullshit. I want to finish something - and I know what it is I want to finish. I've restarted my schmup game. I've a bit more experience with architecture now, and I think I can organize and make this game quite quickly now. I think I'll also go for a different art style. I played a bit of SnY recently and I realized that JakeX is damn good at bullet effects and such - so I think I'll take a page from his book when I'm redesigning stuff.

Fox out.


princess 11 years, 10 months ago

my favorite part of this blog: "fox out"

aeron 11 years, 10 months ago

Location confirmed. Awaiting Learjet.


The shmup is the one you were working on for android, no? I'm interested to see how the art style evolves. Also, bullet effects, omnomnom. Blend ALL the modes!

DesertFox 11 years, 10 months ago

I'm talking with Kilin about stuff, and I may annoy you for art. I think that if I'm to get this done, for real, I might as well get some people to assist.

JuurianChi 11 years, 10 months ago

Told my mum that I have a boyfriend. It actually went over quite well - if anything she's proud that I've found someone. Its nice to have supportive family - it makes things a lot easier. For the last month, things have been positively excellent. I've still got my father to handle (somehow), but all in due time.
