Glob Blog

Posted by DesertFox on May 28, 2013, 3:42 p.m.

Bugrit! Millennium hand and shrimp! The origin of Foul Ole Ron's phrase is interesting….

Owing to my full-time job, I've got less-than-full time for blogging, alas, but here I go!

So I've made some interesting life steps recently. Life's steps leave large footprints, which means large shoes to fill. I may have to fill them with butter, because its better than the alternative - the dreaded margarine.

So what news have I while plodding down the track of time whilst wearing gigantic butter-filled shoes? Well, for one, Ben made his visit, although it was a while ago now, since it has been a month since I blogged. Having recently informed my brother and mother of his existence, they have now met, and it was a meeting filled with new introductions. And butter, because of life's shoes. So having met Ben, both my brother and mother think that he is very charming, and that he's perfect for me. While he was here we did the usual things, and we also went to Germanfest up in Muenster. It started out a bit strange when I called my brother to ask where he was (he was a bit late), and he told me he was in the wrong state. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey, Kyle, where are you? You said you'd be here 20 minutes ago.

Kyle: Yeah, we're in Oklahoma.

Me: Whaaaaaat???

Turns out Muenster is just a few miles from the Texas-Oklahoma border, and they went a bit too far. Huh. Anyway, I got a bit sunburned, there were a few carnival rides, some good bratwurst, and I even let them convince me to try some beers. I still don't like beer. Alas, one week was far too short, and he had to leave. Thus begins the wait for next travel plans to begin. All in all, it was a very good week and now I miss my Ben turribly.

Aside from boyfriendery, other things have occurred. One of course is the most recent - the new Season of Arrested Development. I must be honest here, I've seen a few episodes of Arrested Development, but it seems to be a show that, despite how I find it quite funny, has just managed to consistently slip past my 'well what do we watch now' radar. Back to the point, it was thoroughly enjoyable and they did a good job of tying things together. Paying attention makes this show much more amusing. Also, there's this girl that really likes butter.

I also saw Cloud Atlas. I have to say, it is a confusing movie, but I liked the epic (in the original sense of the word) story. One of the parts that I found fascinating was the future-primitive lingo - I thoroughly enjoyed figuring out the roots of words and phrases, and I think it did a better job of placing the setting in the future than the usual alternative of no linguistic change at all. And yet another thing now crossed off of my watch list, there's "Being John Malkovich". I don't know how to describe this film except that everyone in is is fucked in the head. It vaguely reminds me of Wrong, which is also a good movie, in that everyone in that movie is also fucked in the head, although in a tangibly different way.

Since I've gotten back into gaming, I decided to give DayZ a try. It sucked. It is an ambitious and well-done mod that suffers from something that a lot of mods do - it has a terrible base engine. I understand why they chose Arma II (realism, and large map support). The zombie stuff is awesome, too. But the physics, the interaction, and the somehow incredibly laggy zombies - that is terrible enough to make the game unplayable. The difficulty of finding weapons, I can deal with. It is about survival, after all. But the glitchiness, the bugginess, I cannot. Most of my deaths come needlessly because either A) my hits just won't register against telezombies or B) I. CANT. GET. THROUGH. THE. DAMN. DOOR. Or up the steps. Or some other bit of geometry in which it is obvious that I can fit, obvious that I should be able to waltz right through, but for some reason I have been denied passage because the character gets caught on corners. Maybe some lubricating butter would have helped.

Having played DayZ and been thoroughly disappointed, I can afford to be a bit patient and wait a few years before someone makes something better. In the meantime, I let my friend drag me into playing LoL. I of course enjoy playing assassin type characters. I have never been one for the high-HP tanks, preferring instead the high mobility. Sneak attacks are my bread-and-butter, you could say. The character I prefer (and decided to unlock first) is Akali, and she plays very well into my style - Kha Zix is a very close second. I have gotten a few double-kills with Akali's shadow dance, but learning is difficult since assassins are always a prime target owing to their general squishiness. Also, there is nothing more annoying than turning a corner only to run into the entire enemy team doing exactly that but in the opposing direction. Splat - I am nothing but a butter-stain.

Also, Fez! And Antechamber!

Fox out


JuurianChi 11 years, 9 months ago

Have you played Fez?

I have a Fez blog with Fez words and Fez screenshots sitting on my Hard Fez, and haven't posted it because I don't know how many people have seen it yet. :P

DesertFox 11 years, 9 months ago

I have played Fez. I need to play more Fez, because I haven't beaten Fez, and Fez is a game that I ought to beat. Fez Fez Fez Fez Fez!

Moikle 11 years, 9 months ago

your banner never fails to make me giggle

Cesque 11 years, 9 months ago

I also saw Cloud Atlas. I have to say, it is a confusing movie, but I liked the epic (in the original sense of the word) story. One of the parts that I found fascinating was the future-primitive lingo - I thoroughly enjoyed figuring out the roots of words and phrases, and I think it did a better job of placing the setting in the future than the usual alternative of no linguistic change at all.

Oooh, Cloud Atlas! One of the few recent films I really liked.

I didn't find the story confusing… but "epic" is a very good word. My first thought after watching it was "That's it, the most epic film made ever that has approximately everything in it, humanity can just give up making films now."

I liked the future lingo, too. It wasn't exactly realistic, of course (realistically, the most drastic future developments in English would be driven by pronunciation changes), but it was much more realistic than anything else I've seen in fiction, and following some actual patterns (genericised trademarks, like 'disney' for 'film'), and I liked how there were different "stages" of it for future Korea and the postapocalyptic scenario.

Speaking of which: Hugh Grant in face-paint as a leader of postapocalyptic cannibal bandits. That was… interesting.

The "asianface" was awful, though. Heh.

marbs 11 years, 9 months ago

Hopefully all of your complaints about DayZ will be fixed in the standalone version, which is scheduled to be released at some ambiguous point in the future. Though the mod is, as you rightly say, quite glitchy, I still found it a lot of fun - though succumbing after hours of play to death by door is not so much!

DesertFox 11 years, 9 months ago

@Cesque :o I was sorta hoping you'd pop in and comment on the languages - you've hit my feelings on it precisely. Also, yeah, Hugo Weaving's part in the Sonmi-451 era gave me a massive double-take before I realized who it was.

@marbs I hope for the same - DayZ has the potential to be quite fun, but Arma II's engine just gets in the way too much, currently.

Cesque 11 years, 9 months ago

Also, yeah, Hugo Weaving's part in the Sonmi-451 era gave me a massive double-take before I realized who it was.

At first I thought he was supposed to be a mutant. Then I realised he was supposed to be Asian.