My Name and #102 and Isocraze

Posted by DesertFox on July 14, 2006, 9:30 a.m.

Well, dabridge255 asked people why they chose their name.

Here is my reason:

Okay - here goes - this sort of is a mix of several things.

Fact 1: I am a WWII buff - I love WWII stuff.

Fact 2: The fox is one of my favorite animals.

Fact 3: I didnt want to just name myself "Fox" because that is too common.

Fact 4: The original Desert Fox (with space) was General Erwin Rommel - during WWII he was sent to the Afrika Wars because he refused to be Hitler's personal guard unit, and because he did not believe in Nazi ideals (neither do I!). He was very smart, and a great tactician. In the Afrika Wars, he was nicknamed the Desert Fox, because of his brilliant tactics and abilities to evade capture. Remember, this all takes place in Africa, in the North - which means desert.

Fact 5: I played this online game The Battlefield when is was really popular, and I played a certain map - the Desert.

Fact 6: I was fairly well known as a guy who just would not die. My current standing is well over a thousand (2? 3? I forget how many thousand) kills and less than ten deaths. At one time, I was # 102 out of over 90,000 people.

Get my drift? The name DesertFox fit me perfectly.

And Foxes Rule! And I live in Texas! Which is really hot in the summer - its like a desert!

Now, REZ tell your story about your name!

GML_Josea got me on an iso-craze - so far, I've made park benches, trucks, trash cans, and a stop sign! I forgot where I saved the stop-sign though.



Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

Mine came from my craze to get a perfect score on pacman… i didn't, but i got REAAALY close, i just missed 5 fruits and 18 ghosts…

melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice back story. =P