Isocrazed that i just plain crazed!
Okay - so I like making iso stuff now - darn you GML Josea - you started me on this - its the only thing I can do right now.
So I made a drive-thru ATM

The ATM was originally going to be a gas pump, but it turned into an ATM! How about that - a gas pump that
gives you money.
Well, I'll just spend that money here - at a hotdog stand.

And now to include peanuts. I like peanuts - salty crunchy goodness. I also love macadamia nuts. What is your favorite type of nut (including peanuts, yes even though they are legumes!)
And I got one of those cool PSP cases - the polycarbonate ones that cost 30$US - for only 6$US! I am very happy! I can listen to music from my psp without opening it!
You may have noticed me saying stuff like "ZOMG" a lot lately - I think I prefer normal language more. But ZOMGing is fun once in a while.
that hotdog stand looks like an ice cream stand…or like a chicha stand (Chicha is a drink)
Awesome, you can get the money while you're in your car!Your avatar is awesome.i thought it was an ice cream stand…
anyways, get more detail on the wheels, they don't exactly look iso…the ATMs look nice, but they usually have a screen…Whoops - colored the screen+buttons
I'm isocrazed. And what does the Z in ZOMG mean?
Look here mk53
it's just like
Zo My God…Oh. I'm from Texas!!!!!!!
Heh, you're getting pretty good too. =P
That's so incredibly unrealistic. Gas pumps take away money. ALL of it. [;)]
Hey when am I going to get the coolio fox badge.
Also great graphics!