
Posted by DesertFox on July 23, 2006, 2:07 p.m.

<i><b>Phantom Moderator:</b> MY GOD! What a useless blog. I really should have just deleted this, but I guess i have a soft spot for people that switch to Firefox.</i>

DesertFox: Even though the text in the edit window shows as "Phantom Moderator" is displays as Friendless Loser. Not my doing.

Yeah, I got FireFox - I love the tabbed windows oh so useful.

I have a really dumb, idiotic brother. Here's the goods:

1) He believes the brain is a muscle.

2) He is 13, I am almost 18, and he thinks he can beat me up. He is just tall, almost as tall as I am. I am 5'8" - a bit on the short side - but I am very broad shouldered, whereas he is a stick.

3) He thinks that he could still fight me if I popped his thumbs out of their sockets - which I could have done to him, I have very strong hands.

4) When he tries to hit, he aims for the pectoral (upper chest) muscles and the shoulders. He thinks that will disable me. *note that those are places you DONT want to hit, you could break your fingers on the shoulder-blades and pectoral muscles are very strong and large.

5) He thinks that because he was behind me, he had the advantage. He certainly did not. I had his thumbs firmly grasped in my hands, his body very close to mine (no hitting room), and his arms fully extended, meaning he could not fight at all. He could just grunt and twitch.

6) When I let him go, he hit me in the shoulder-blade and ran away. He thinks that because he got one hit in and ran away makes him the victor. He doesn't realize I let him go, because I would rather be doing something else than fighting with him.

7) When I was immobilizing his thumbs, hands, arms, and legs, he was using his really long fingernails to dig into my fingers. He tried to say I was wincing in pain, yet all he managed to do was draw a little blood. I've had worse papercuts.

8) He said he could have tripped me at any time. Had he tripped me, I would have used his body as a landing pad, since tripping me would use 3 of our 4 combined feet.

9) When I explained #8 to him, he said I would have automatically let go because it is a relfex to open your hands/let go when falling. I don't know about you people, but if I am falling, I tend to try to hang on or grab something. Plus, I would just try to land on him. Would you throw away a nice soft pillow if you were falling?

In other words, he is a complete and utter idiot who sits in front of the computer playing a game called Doofus, and says he is strong because he is in 8th grade football next year.

He thinks that the spinal cord is what keeps your brain in place, he thinks the brain is a muscle, and he has thought he is taller than me ever since he got to around 3 inches from my height, and I amstill taller. Oh, and he pronounces "height" like hyt-th. He also thinks that all rulers and scales are 100% accurate.

Like I said, he is very very dumb. He has an IQ higher than average, but even people with potential intelligence are not always smart. He is also a coward, he has very bad selective hearing, and thinks many strange things.

Some strange things:

Multiple cloned favorite games? This is someones actual favorite game list.

And is Bush a monkey? I am republican, so I can post this XD


poultry 18 years, 3 months ago

[spork] owns

Eternal 18 years, 3 months ago

Chiken knows the user tag! :0 Time to change it! lol jk.

basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago


neonut99 18 years, 3 months ago

DAmn Phantom MOD!

DesertFox 18 years, 3 months ago

Hmmm! And the clues are building up!

Phantom Mod, blogs are intrinsically useless, they have no real purpose other than to be useless and let us blabber about ourselves!

madguyy 18 years, 3 months ago

"madguyy owns "-ChIkEn

The crap?

That's kinda sad. His high potential is going downhill. =/ He's becoming like the average American…. <_<

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 3 months ago

Quote: The Most Idiotic Person on this site, the Phantom Mod
Phantom Moderator: MY GOD! What a useless blog. I really should have just deleted this, but I guess i have a soft spot for people that switch to Firefox.

I guess I just have a soft spot for idiots. Don't you agree [spork]?

DesertFox 18 years, 3 months ago

Ummm, what?

V 18 years, 3 months ago

lol, wow. i'm on that list! =D and shaddap, i'm american. <_< you make it sound like it's bad to be american… *grabs pitchfork* yeaaah, i have a little brother that seems exactly like yours, to be honest.

Misconstruct 18 years, 3 months ago

Seriously, anybody know why my favorites list is f**ked up?