Old Woman Eats Stones

Posted by DesertFox on July 26, 2006, 9:55 a.m.

See link

Wierd, huh. I go to this website that is always good for an interesting webpage. Did everyone get their Christmas present? See last blog!

For all of you that I missed, here I've got a picture for you!

Apparently Skidmark Physics has shot up in downloads in the last couple of days. It went from about 130 to 262 and counting! This is because it was (finally) accepted into the gmc FAQ&Tutorials database - it took a long time.

My most downloaded thing? Qube - at 448 downloads. Followed by SwingEngine - at 317 downloads. Amazingly, Pawned is 3rd to last, with only 50 downloads.

Here is an unfinished Iso-DS I am making.

And shadow yoshi - Ima gonna steal yur avitarrr…


RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

Wooo!! DS!!

The original is best. The light one looks like a stretched GBA SP.

I take that back, I like both!!


Xxypher 18 years, 2 months ago


and the DS is awesome