Noobs vs Newbies

Posted by DesertFox on July 27, 2006, 12:07 p.m.

First of all, check out this worlds's dumbest question

And now on to the meat of this blog (mmmm… meat!)

There is, in fact, a difference between noobs and newbies. Let us look at the facts, shall we?

Newbies are people. Noobs are not.

Newbies are people who have just started playing the game, coding, or whatever they are a newbie at. Noobs, on the other hand, may have started months, even years ago.

Newbies ask intelligent questions in an intelligent (and intelligible way). Noobs ask dumb questions (1n 4 w4y 7aht jo0 cn47 r34dd!11!!!!!).

Newbies know that there are things that they don't know. Noobs assume that they know everything, and anything that they don't know doesn't exist.

When someone shows a newbie something new, the newbie learns it. When someone shows a noob something new, he accuses that person of hacking!

Newbies turn into good players/coders. Noobs turn into more noobs.

A newbie, when corrected, accepts the fact that he was wrong. Noobs, on the other hand, insult and flame.

A newbie, when he has a problem, finds a way around it. Noobs instead insist that "it shouldn't work that way, somebody else should fix it".

Newbies know that they are not important, and don't really care. Noobs don't know, and really care.

And the best, most defining one: Newbies know what they are, noobs don't!


And I'm going to try to enter the E4 GameDev competition. I've got to get cracking on 3D modeling, then. And learn TEXTURING! Every time I try to make a UVMap, I fail miserably.

But I can code! I just have to learn 3D….

Oh, and

Tremulous rocks! And I have an Eye Appointment in half an hour!


Xxypher 18 years, 2 months ago


i would rahter be a newb than a n00b, newbs are just new at things, n00bs are tards that dont know how to do anyhting

Xxypher 18 years, 2 months ago

PS. your banner is awesome!

RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

This Desertfox, is an accurate coparison. I applaud you!! (clap! clap!)

I'm glad I'm not a noob. Not knowing that you're wrong must be so scary…

Rez 18 years, 2 months ago

Noobs are morons that never learn and newbies are just new, its that simple. Now can't we stop talking about noobs/newbies and get on with our lives!

Xxypher 18 years, 2 months ago

… can we still make fun o them?

Xxypher 18 years, 2 months ago

nice screen… what game is it again?

Tremulous… what company made it?

Extravisual 18 years, 2 months ago

This fits nicley in with my Theory of N00b Ecology.

poultry 18 years, 2 months ago


Juju 18 years, 2 months ago

Ah yes. Sadly, newbs are often corrupted by the n00bs and join them. It's a shame that talent is wasted so easily.

basilamer 18 years, 2 months ago