What up, drunk people?

Posted by DesertFox on July 30, 2006, 9:44 a.m.

First of all, I have recieved another message! "Would you like a meatball sub?" Depends on what's in it.

And now to the drunk people. You may know that I work at KFC. And this leads to a very funny story.

I was outside washing the windows when four black people walk out. They were laughing and giggling, and obviously drunk.

I am a 5'8" caucasian male with a moustache. They took one look at me and started saying "What up, nigga? Whachoo washin' windows fo'?" and "Hey stop washin' dem windows you motherf***ing nigga?" and "What up, boi'?".

As I said, very drunk. Well, one of them tries to step over the curb to the car, and stumbles, barely catching himself on the hood of his car.

They all managed to get in the car with audible cries of "Nigga" and "Windows!" followed by laughter. Then they started beeping the horn and laughing.

By then, I was finished washing the windows. I was ready to go inside and leave these drunk people to giggle at the bushes. So I walk to the door, open it, and hear a *chink*. I look down, and see that these drunk people have left me a wonderful present.

It was an almost full bottle of Jack Daniel's Fruit Punch.

And that is my story.

For any black people offended by my use of the word "nigga", I was just quoting it. I find it very funny that they were yelling it at me, as I am a very light-skinned person. I'm German-Danish.


Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

I'm Arcalyth and I approve DesertFox's message…

…because I'm black.


OBELISK 18 years, 2 months ago

Yeah…nigga ;)

flashback 18 years, 2 months ago

Racism +1 warn, ObeL IsK.

Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

LAWL! What a nice present! When my birthday comes around,and you have another one, here's my address: 1234 howru cal. Send me it, man! :)

OBELISK 18 years, 2 months ago

I was just quoting, but oh well. Sorry.

OBELISK 18 years, 2 months ago

Wait… I wasn't replying to Arcalyth, if that's what you warned me for. It was to DesertFox…