I made an Uncyclopedia article about holes. I left for work, came back, and found that people had been adding to it.
I did the framework, types of holes, sizes of holes, Black Holes, and Uses of Holes.Here is the article about holesEnjoy reading.The holes are out to get you. Yes they are.And I also made an article about cups.CupsHoorah
http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Black_JesusXD Some morelol cups….
LOL where did you get the time
There's also a 64 Digits one, but I can't find it for some reason.<a href='http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/INuke'>The I-Nuke</a>
<a href='http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Ultra_God'>Ultra God made mario</a>IPoop
cool, you just forgot something, pictures of black holes depicting nothing, just a black square…
yeah, i think i sent a request to delete the 64digits one, not sure, might have been the penguin dude one…
btw kaz, your ultra god has a son, ultra jesus!