Oh how I've cried

Posted by DesertFox on Sept. 14, 2006, 2:30 p.m.

Someone I knew died over a month ago. I've been very depressed since then, and I haven't done anything since. That is why I haven't been here.

I'm going to try to come back now, I hope to start on my projects again.

But I am going to make a memorial artwork for her first. I find it hard to let go of someone. Hence why I am still sad.

I've taken to listening to Bohemian Rhapsody, and that blind Italian opera singer named Andre. That makes me feel better.

I am also now in college. The classes are easy for me, even though everybody else always seems to have homework, I don't.

I now live in Rochester, NY. Anyone nearby?

Losing a friend sucks. May she be in a better place.


FredFredrickson 18 years, 1 month ago

Yup, that sucks… There isn't really a void quite like the one you feel when someone is suddenly gone any more, no matter how well you knew them or not.

Hatonastick 18 years, 1 month ago

No it's not easy. Time can dull pain, but we should never forget. To quote some really bad poetry:


The dull sun sets casting its final rays for the day across us all,

a day-night cycle that marks a beat - the rhythym of passing time,

it catches me in a slightly melancholy mood as I sit here thinking

of the times gone by and the people who have touched me in passing,

all part of a network made of tiny molecules called the sea of

humanity, it would be tempting to some to drown in this morass and

disappear but I would rather swim and carry with me these memories

to share, so that people who have passed on can stay with us,

just a little longer.

I wrote that one month after losing one of my friends suddenly.