So I am watching Kill Bill v1 in 20 minutes.
Mmmmmmm.So I am officially back. I have been using msn, whee.Botherbotherbother, I've been playing F.E.A.R. at 2:00AM - my advice is don't do that. Creepy little girl!And too many people seem to have gotten a namechange. So if you changed your name, please tell me. And if you didnt, tell me who did.w00tness is mine.*breakdances**fixdances*Know what's awesome? The "Balancing Point" YouTube videos. They are awesome. So totally awesome.Awesomeness that is known as Balancing PointOh, and soooo close to 6000 hits.
I changed my name from gml_josea to gml_josea
I changed my name to Shakeman, then back to Snakeman.
I got a name change. To ProfessorHanger, from MirrorAura… PROFESSOR HANGER OWNS YOUR… ARWING?
You still owe me an avatar.
I changed my name from Halospree13 to Arcalyth.
Subsonic=Aeron(I think)what is your MSN?
@FlashBack - Here, I made you an avatar.
F.E.A.R is great at night time :P