3D Skate - Update

Posted by DevonX on Dec. 11, 2006, 8:17 p.m.

Alright, I hope this brings a lot of peoples attention because as you all may know of the badges system, and if you look at my hits you might see that I am very close to 1000 hits. Well, plz ppl help me acheive this by making ppl look at my page.

Also, A little update on the 3D Skate game, well, its coming along nicely. So far I have movement, models, textures, ollies, and the following tricks:

-Ollie (duh)


-360 Shove-it

-Tre' Flip

-Double Kickflip


-Inward Heelflip


-Double Heel


-Pop Shove-it


-Hard Flip

-All of these tricks can be done either backside or frontside in either normal, fakie, switch, or nollie.

Grab tricks are a bit harder so I will get to them eventually, once I get all the models made. When this finally comes out I really hope people will like it. I've been putting a lot of work into this.

<B>EDIT:</B>Tricks in bold are tricks I made after I initially wrote this blog. There might not be any yet depending on when you look at this though.


smaksak 18 years, 1 month ago

Wow, 3D, when can we expect to see a demo, or a screeny?

It better turn out awesome or I'll slap you in the face for sure ;)

DevonX 18 years, 1 month ago

@smaksak: well, wait a little bit longer and I might have a beta.

@The_Boondock_Saint:I'm actually working on the "Grind Engine"

And it is starting to turn out pretty cool.

@everybody: thnx for not being all "no, you'll never finish" on me. That realy helps with my motivation to keep working on it.