MMO Help Needed

Posted by DevonX on Feb. 19, 2007, 4:55 p.m.

Yup. I am working on a new MMO, I have no idea what I'm doing with it, but for now I'm working on converting the MMO engine from mplay to 39dll.dll stuff.

I have the engine done, so you are probably wondering what I need help with… well… as most people who have ever used it, the mplay_… functions don't really give you a fast and sure connection. But I have messed with the 39DLL and that is perfect.

So I was wondering if someone could convert my .gm6 here from mplay functions to 39DLL functions.

Unfortunatly for a lot of people, I have to know I can trust you. Anybody can comment telling me they want it, but I will only give you the .gm6 if I can trust you not to do anything stupid with it. If you are on my favorite users list, you have a pretty high chance of getting it. Otherwise, I will figure it out depending on your reputation around here.

All I am requesting is that someone make the same exact copy of this but with 39DLL functions instead of mplay functions.

-Thnx to all that help! (k thnx bye)


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but am I to believe that you are basically taking applications for the privilege of doing your work for you?

DevonX 18 years ago

I'm just asking for a conversion, you will get a section in the credits. The reason I need to trust you is cause I don't want someone to just steal it then post it as an example or something like that. Just simple security. I would definitly trust you, SJF, but someone like punimer or graydon or darksouldcaliber that i would not. It's not exactly a privilege… I don't know how to explain it.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

How big is it… How many lines of code in total?

DevonX 18 years ago

hold on… I'll check.

DevonX 18 years ago

not much, only 113 lines.

DevonX 18 years ago

all that i have so far is so that many people can join and it will update/create instances as needed. I still need a login system, ill look at some examples on that for that part though. I'm sure there are quite a few in 39dll.

twisterghost 18 years ago

So, superdevon…

Exactly how many online games have you made before?

Let me rephrase…

Exactly how many working, more than two player, efficient games have you made before that were written from scratch?

DesertFox 18 years ago

I'm working on the MMO engine.

I have the engine done.

Those two sentences, right next to each other, are entirely contradictory.

sirxemic 18 years ago

Y'know, DesertFox's got a point…

DevonX 18 years ago

I havent actually released an online game. But I have experimented with online for a very long time. Just I can never get mplay functions to work over the internet, I can only get it to work between two clients on my computer. I blame mplay functions. I am really not familiar with the 39dll but I'm figuring it out, as soon as I get the 39dll worked out then maybe I'll release some online stuff.