The Good And Bads...

Posted by DevonX on March 10, 2007, 9:53 p.m.

2740 Hits as of writing this.

K, I got a fricken sweet new computer with Vista on it. But… fricken GM6.1 won't work on it, so now I have to register with yoyo and everything and get my key updated and everything and its gonna be a while before I start actually use GM again, and it won't even be GM6.1, which I will miss. But anyway, some specs of my new comp are:

-2GB of RAM

-NVidia 6150 Graphics Card

-256MB of Graphic Memory

-2.6GHz Processor (awesome)

-Came with a 20" flat screen monitor.

-Frickin sweet-ass speakers.

-Everything is all shiney silvery.

-LightScribe Enabled (Have the computer draw pictures on CD's and DVD's).


All I need is a little bit better graphics card that doesn't feed off of my RAM.

Anyway, what are your system specs?


Alx 17 years, 11 months ago

Now for the Ultimate Pie Computer

-2GB of RAM

-NVidia 6150 Graphics Card

-256MB of Graphic Memory

-2.6GHz Processor (awesome)

-Came with a 20" flat screen monitor.

-Frickin sweet-ass speakers.

-Everything is all shiney silvery.

-LightScribe Enabled (Have the computer draw pictures on CD's and DVD's).



Firebird 17 years, 11 months ago

Are you guys kidding? My computer is practically a supercomputer!

-2GB of RAM

-NVidia 6150 Graphics Card

-256MB of Graphic Memory

-2.6GHz Processor (awesome)

-Came with a 20" flat screen monitor.

-Frickin sweet-ass speakers.

-Everything is all shiney silvery.

-LightScribe Enabled (Have the computer draw pictures on CD's and DVD's).


rustudios 17 years, 11 months ago

This is my computer..:D

-256mb of RAM

-GForce 2 hehe

-64mg of Graphic Memory

-2.06GHz Processor (bad)

-DVD and CD burner

hogofwar 17 years, 11 months ago

My computer is a super computer!

-2000GB of RAM

-NVidia 6150 Graphics Card

-200GB of Graphic Memory

-300.8GHz Processor (awesome)

-Came with a 50" flat screen monitor.

-Frickin kick-ass speakers.

-Everything is all shiney blackery.

-LightScribe Enabled (Have the computer draw pictures on CD's and DVD's and tape's!).


DevonX 17 years, 11 months ago

Damn? Is there some kind of joke going on or does everyone have the same specs and just c/p them? hmmm…….. u guys r jurks.

DevonX 17 years, 11 months ago

yeah me too…… [:(]

Kaz 17 years, 11 months ago

rustudios and hogofwar fail.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

Check check it:

-2GB of RAM

-NVidia 6150 Graphics Card

-256MB of Graphic Memory

-2.6GHz Processor (awesome)

-Came with a 20" flat screen monitor.

-Frickin sweet-ass speakers.

-Everything is all shiney silvery.

-LightScribe Enabled (Have the computer draw pictures on CD's and DVD's).


DesertFox 17 years, 11 months ago

rustudios and hogofwar fail.


Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago

I have a few computers. First: the one that I hate, but am stuck with:

6 GB hard drive, don't ask

196 MB of RAM

16 MB of video RAM

400 MHz processor


The one I use commonly:

30 GB hard drive

512 MB of RAM

64 MB of video RAM

2.6 GHz processor

Finally, the one I love:

80 GB hard drive

1 GB of RAM

64-128 MB of video RAM

2.6 GHz processor