Alright, now that I can finally blog again after that a incident, why not celebrate by blogging? Yes? No? Alright, I went to this small party last night, it was fairly fun. We were going to have a roman candle fight, but after we lit the first roman candle, we realized that these were like super-candles. They shot fast huge-ass balls of explosion. So we were like, oh fuck that. I was having some fun messing around with a couple o people on a trampoline, showing off some of my gymnastic skill. It wasn't a gymnastic trampoline though, so I couldn't do as much as I normally could.
And you may be thinking, what the hell does the title have to do with. Well, I just got a new website a couple of days ago, and I've been working on it. I have never used php before and after using w3schools and htmlgoodies' tutorials, I managed to figure out how to make a suggestions submitting and viewing page. And it looks nice. So yeah, here is my site. Drop by and give me a suggestion or two.Yeah, I havn't really touched Game Maker in quite a while, havn't really had the want to do anything. I have started my own Sapphire Tears faction, and right now it only has two people, but it should grow. It is the Leage O Awesome. You have to be awesome to get in it. :PSo yeah, felt like blogging, thats pretty much all thats going on right now. So, leave comments on my site here too, I love feedback, it makes everything easier.-SuperDevon4Edit Please leave a little note of who you are, like username wise, I don't think I will have a user system going for a while, I know it was probably luksterspy or df, but who knows.
Were asking for it a bit,eh?
What are you saying. Proper grammer works better. I can't tell if you are saying were (they were playing) or we're (we're playing right now). So yeah, which one?
And asking for what. Make sence, elaborate, 10 more seconds won't kill you.looks cool!
Yeah, we were going to, but these were seriously llike supercharged. They shot things that you would normally like to see a few hundred feet up, not coming straight at you. =P
" Leage O Awesome You have to be awesome to get in it." How original…
Ya,as if it was original the first time,eh bryan?
I was going to make Team Awesome, then I realized it was taken. I got sad. =P. So I had to make up something else.
dude… just finish flipman.
Of course it's Relex that tells me this. :P