Added enemys!Ryuman did an excellent Job on the enemy movement.I successfully multi-threaded our game, it increased the performance and made it that much more awesome. Each enemy has its own thread, which is called each update of the game. At the moment the player shares a thread with the walls , but that is soon to change. Still to do is make the enemy's actually attack the player, instead of following him around, and perhaps some more sprites and… LAVA!I still have the issue of every part of the game looking alike, but that is rather minor. Should implement doors pretty soon. We have 1, 207 lines of code, 13 classes3 packagesAnd only 2 people working on the project.Before I bid you farewell, a screenshot of my workspace:
Your game programming abilities in java make me jealous. Not that its that difficult, but I have never done it before so it would take a considerable amount of time to do…
I started small, I made small console applications, then progressively got bigger until I got to this, I suggest you do the same :)
especially in java
yay Eclipse! :D
@colseed yay!
yay our game! :D
Do you use any libraries? Like LWJGL, or this all using JFrame?
Yup, I'm using slick, which is a wrapper for LWJGL. The JNL can really increase performance.