Project 49 (Recruiting)

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Dec. 10, 2006, 5:47 p.m.

This is pretty much a copy of a topic I made on the TGG Forums… but I decided to see if any 64D-ers would be interested in joining… so, here it is.

EDGE and I have started working on a sci-fi RPG that we have so far dubbed the temporary name of 'Project 49'. We intend to make this a massive RPG in which you are a mercinary/freelancer and can fly around in space, visit multiple planets and space stations, and complete 'quest'-style missions, while doing pretty much whatever you want. We plan to have multiple factions that you can becomes allies with, and you can, over time, influence the course the galaxy takes. We plan on having extensive space and land combat with various battle scenarios to participate in. If anyone is interested in joining us to work on this project, contact EDGE or me (or post here) explaining what you would like to help with.

Who We Need-

Programmers (can't have too many of those…)

GFX artists (mainly modeling, but other graphics types would be nice.)

Sound artists (music and sound effects)

…and pretty much anyone else who is willing to help.

Also, if anyone has experience with MMORPG management, we may consider making a multiplayer version or mode of the game when complete.


In other news…

Not…much. I've had a rather boring day. I guess baking a couple of pies was the most interesting thing I've done yet. Rather sad….


DFortun81 18 years, 2 months ago

Sounds good, but I'm too busy. Tell EDGE I said Hi.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 2 months ago

Will do.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 2 months ago

Also. to clarify anything: this project will probably be a rather long one… w're looking at it taking around a year between us two, assuming that we stay somewhat motivated.

Siert 18 years, 2 months ago


Misconstruct 18 years, 2 months ago

Modeling? So it's a 3D game?

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 2 months ago

Yes. It's 3D.

Misconstruct 18 years, 2 months ago

Hmm. I don't have much experience with 3D stuff. I could do 2D graphics and stuff, if you wish.

Amarin 18 years, 2 months ago

I'm a sound guy. But you knew that. I can do sci-fi music. And I love 3D stuff.