Who would've known that the highlight of my weekend would have been while picking up trash for service hours for NJHS?
I certainly wouldn't have… of course, I didn't know that three of my good friends (well, two good friends, one ok friend) would show up.A little bit of background info: I'm more at home in the outdoors, whether it's swimming in lakes, hiking in the mountains, canoeing,or whatever, than I am at home on a computer. *ghasp*Anyhow, I ended up spending two hours wandering through the woods with a few friends… though my overly high sense of chivalry tried killing me… I was the one who held back the brambles to keep my friends (all of whom were girls) from getting scraped up… I was the one who stopped one of them from falling in a creek, by having them fall into me, making one of my boots fill up with water… I was the one who tried moving a log, only to have it snap when I pulled, sending me flying backwards into a thorn bush… cutting up my wrist pretty badly… it bled a bit.Enough on that…I finished writing the song I've been working on… though I haven't had time to record it yet… hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow.So, yeah. I had a pretty nice weekend… away from the computer for the most part.
Camping in my opinion is dumb, well, I live in a very rural area (an island in the pacific ocean, no, not Vancouver Island, think much much smaller.) so camping is like.. will every day life here lol.
See, it depends on the camping… if it's going out to 'camp' in a cabin, with a heater, a stove, a bed, fridge, etc., it sucks. I prefer the 'ok, let's see how little I can take with me to survive a few days with a few friends…' (You know… knife, flasklight, garbage bags, maybe a tent, lightweight sleeping bag etc.)