A Bloody Good Time!

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Feb. 4, 2007, 10 p.m.

Who would've known that the highlight of my weekend would have been while picking up trash for service hours for NJHS?

I certainly wouldn't have… of course, I didn't know that three of my good friends (well, two good friends, one ok friend) would show up.

A little bit of background info: I'm more at home in the outdoors, whether it's swimming in lakes, hiking in the mountains, canoeing,or whatever, than I am at home on a computer. *ghasp*

Anyhow, I ended up spending two hours wandering through the woods with a few friends… though my overly high sense of chivalry tried killing me… I was the one who held back the brambles to keep my friends (all of whom were girls) from getting scraped up… I was the one who stopped one of them from falling in a creek, by having them fall into me, making one of my boots fill up with water… I was the one who tried moving a log, only to have it snap when I pulled, sending me flying backwards into a thorn bush… cutting up my wrist pretty badly… it bled a bit.

Enough on that…

I finished writing the song I've been working on… though I haven't had time to record it yet… hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow.

So, yeah. I had a pretty nice weekend… away from the computer for the most part.


Rob 18 years ago

Camping in my opinion is dumb, well, I live in a very rural area (an island in the pacific ocean, no, not Vancouver Island, think much much smaller.) so camping is like.. will every day life here lol.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years ago

See, it depends on the camping… if it's going out to 'camp' in a cabin, with a heater, a stove, a bed, fridge, etc., it sucks. I prefer the 'ok, let's see how little I can take with me to survive a few days with a few friends…' (You know… knife, flasklight, garbage bags, maybe a tent, lightweight sleeping bag etc.)