Various Rants

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Feb. 6, 2007, 9:33 p.m.

Freehand: Hate it. Use a danged modeling program.

People: People are stupid… but aren't we people?

Morons: I say we create some sort of place where we throw all the fools in the world… airdrop drugs and beer to them… but what would they export, for our good?

My Social Life:

Let's see… I have about three good friends…. I'm part of a group of around 15 people, mostly girls… though I'm probably the farthest out of that group. As far as me and 'her'…. I'm still standing at a crossroads that some demented builder made. Here's my current options:

Ask her out, whether it's to the valentines dance or on some other date, I don't know…

Decide to beat my emotions into submission and not ask her out… it's worked before for me, but one of my friends found out who I like and is dead set on having me ask her out or he's threatening to do so for me (not a good idea).

Kill myself: Always a fun option, I've tried this method a couple of times… it always hurts for a bit, though….

Curl up in a corner, suck my thumb, and cry to death: I might look into this…

French: If I don't kill myself by tomorrow, I'll die in French… we have a group project due, and I'm in a group with a complete incompetent fool. 'nuff said.

Composing: I'll probably get a recording done this weekend, I'm starting to work on a second piece. Also, I don't have an idea for the first yet… any suggestions?

Here's the sheetmusic for the song… it's written for a cello… though you could play it on most any stringed instrument.


Dr_Eechmen 18 years ago


Cesar 18 years ago

see… my… VEST! See my vest! made from real gorrilla chest. See my sweater, there's no better than authentic irish setter. See my hat, t'was my cat. My evening wear is from vampire bat. These white slippers are albino african endangered rhino. Grizzly bear underwear, Turtle's neck i have my share.See this poodle on my noodle it shall rest. Try my red robin suit, it comes in one breast or two! See my vest, see my vest, seee my vest! Like… my… loafers, former gophers, it was that, will skin my chofers. But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best. So let's prepare these dogs (well two for matching glaws) see my vest, see my vest, seee myy veeest!

MahFreenAmeh 18 years ago

Freehand: No one cares.

People: Old news.

Your social life: Good for you. Try living mine.

The solution is: ask her out. Don't live in regret like I do.

French: Don't complain about something that you can fix. If you don't like something, learn to like it. If you have something to get done, do it. If someone is an idiot, tell them.

Composing: Awesome. And no suggestions.

I think I've ran out of things to say.

Point is, just do whatever will result in a positive outcome in the end.