Evil YoYos, Headhunting and Knives

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Feb. 28, 2007, 11:06 p.m.

Well, I've had an ok day…

Someone I knew came to school today, pulled a bread knife out of his backpack, started screwing around with it, and, when someone asked him why he had it, he said 'I'm not planning on using it on something, I'm planning on using it on someone", put the knife back in his bag, and left. Well, someone went over and got the principal when he was away, she came over, looked in his bag, drew out the knife, put the knife back away, picked up the bag, and left. The kid came back, saw the principal with his bag, cursed, and ran. Don't know what happened after that… he's always been a tad off, but this is really 'off' for even him.

Anyhow, here's my GM7 rant of the day: after spending an hour battling the stupid YoYo to get my registration key… I got GM7 installed and… ARGH! there was a danged YoYo ad in the main window, taking up my valuable sidebar space! Immediately, I tried hacking it out, to no avail… then I looked into the preferences and found out how to disable the ad (check 'Don't Show the Website Image in the Main Window')

Other than that… MAIS hasn't been accepted on 64D as well as it was on the GMC… oh well. Blitz2 is coming along nicely, I've gotten it to about the same point that I had Blitz 1 at, but without the collision bugs…

Also, I'm now a member of the TGGT code department… for now. If I screw things out, I'm back to only being story Dept… however, so far I've managed to speed up the FPS by ~10% on my computer… I consider that an ok accomplishment for 30 minutes of work.

Headhunt: I need a headcount of who all will be willing to join Blueboy and I in 64collab… if there aren't enough people, the collab may die (as it is for now)… any takers?


DFortun81 17 years, 11 months ago

Immediately, I tried hacking it out, to no avail… then I looked into the preferences and found out how to disable the ad (check 'Don't Show the Website Image in the Main Window')
Tried the same thing, I completely forgot about Preferences until flashback told me about it.

Crane-ium 17 years, 11 months ago

I bet you haven't realized that this is the first blog of the month on the front page? You ruined me though…I have the second blog…ALL YOUR FAULT!

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 11 months ago

Ha, you know you're a nerd if you try to "hack something out" of a program before looking in the preferences.

Maxcore 17 years, 11 months ago

It's not a YoYo ad, it is YoYo branding douche bag, they made the product, I think they should be able to brand it. No one complains when there is a YouTube watermark over your crappy homemade videos, its really not a big deal stop being a woman.

Maxcore 17 years, 11 months ago

Also to PM, you are a fake nerd if you try hacking something and fail :p