Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Sept. 28, 2007, 9:08 p.m.

Ok, for starters, I was going to post this a week ago… but when I pressed the submit button, 64D died for a week.

Let's see…. mid July I left for europe… I got back late August…. then I immediately got swamped by school….

…and somehow, in the middle of all of this, I FORGOT THAT 64D EXISTED!!!!

….I should be shot for that or something…..

Anyhow, after falling down a flight of stairs today and remembering that 64D existed, (these incidents were completely unrelated) I decided that I'd stop by.

…and by stop by, I mean, come, post a blog, have it viewed by about three people… none of whom will comment it,,,,

….at least, that's what usually happens… I don't know if things have changed in the last few months… the ratings on my games certainly haven't…. I think they've officially fallen into obscurity, now.

Anyhow, so I can actually spark some sort of discussion… here's a little conversation starter that I wrote up and have been posting all over the place….

…I mean it only to spark a philosophical discussion of some sort…. but… I've been flamed to death by a devout catholic or two already in other places…. gotten yelled at by an aethiest…. and in general made people mad at each other. So let's see what happens here….

The existence of the universe, the existence of time, the existence of anything and everything, is impossible. No matter whether you believe in a religious viewpoint of its creation, a scientific one or some combination of the two, they are all fail to explain how anything exists. However, the fact that you and I are both here right now (at least, that’s what ‘we’ assume), proves that this impossibility is, in fact, possible. To our best understanding (unless you can point out otherwise), one thing has to come before another; something has to come out of something. Something cannot come out of nothing (the good old “Matter cannot be created or destroyedâ€? law). Whether you believe that God created all or that some freak cosmic event spawned the creation of the universe, you must realize that there is something very odd that has happened to get us here. Let’s say that God, or at least some greater being, created the universe. What came before God? God had to come from something; even if he has existed for eternity, isn’t it impossible for something to have existed for eternity? Can something actually exist without a start? And even if it does have a start, haven’t we already decided that something has to come from something else, again forcing that something has to have existed for eternity. However, with the idea that something has to start, yet eternity has no start, isn’t it only logical to assume that eternity, and therefore time, is impossible? How did time dawn, and what was there before the dawn of time? Could there actually have been absolutely nothing? I don’t mean an absence of matter or energy: I mean an absence of space, an absence of existence, and absence of time, an absence of eternity. It is beyond our abilities to fathom what the answers of these questions are. We are not able to comprehend the possibility of inexistence, eternity, or our existence. To the extent of our knowledge, the universe defies the very ‘laws’ that we use to describe it.

So yeah… I'm only going to post that… none of my other replies to replies and so on and so forth… start the discussion fresh… if there's any discussion to be had….

Have fun!


sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

The Universe

This universe that we live in as a very complicated one, it seems that everything we know was created out of nothing, in a place there shouldn’t even be nothing. So the very existence of us proves that we are part of something much more complicated, no not religion. The secret of our existence lies at the core, it is impossible for this universe to coexist with the laws that are set by it. The laws of science are very complicated; take a look at the laws of robotics as described by Isaac Asimov:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or the Second Law.

Once a robot breaks one of these 3 laws it can no longer be considered as a Robot, it has broken free from its form. The only problem is that since it dose not follow the guidelines for being a robot, what else could it be, a very educated can opener? It must still be viewed as a robot even though it cannot possibly be one. The same thing with the word we live in. Many people say that time and space go on forever, but the universe says that all things must come to an end sooner or later. So how dose the universe end? Dose it even end? As Randall Munroe the writer of the XKCD web-comic jokingly stated:











I believe that the problem lies not where the universe ends, but where it begins. Some religious people say that we are here for a reason, some others say were here by total fluke, but the truth may be that were not really here at all. In reality this could be all simulated, whatever is going on its not real, this is not reality. So theoretically the only way to break free from this world or to destroy it is to find the truth of its origin. But sometimes the beginning lies at the end, the universe must go on forever or else it would have no way of ending, the end of the universe would be a very illogical thing, even though it’s the most logical thing bound to happen. The problem with the universe is that it’s too contradictory. The only way to find out the true rules of the universe is to analyze every law of it and how it supposedly follows that law. The only logical analysis of the universe that we are in now is that we are not really in an existing universe. Our universe must be an illusion provided by another existing universe, so that universe would be “the real worldâ€? to us. In that other “realâ€? universe they would most probably be part of another universe which is part of another, and another. The solution to how the universes are aligned is described in my “Mirror Reflection Theoryâ€?, since this is a very basic theory of mine I won’t go into great depth. Basically the universes would be arranged like 2 mirrors reflecting back into each other, so every universe is a “realâ€? universe and an illusion universe, but in whole were all illusion universes, but that is not the point. Another point of the mirror reflection theory is that every universe is connected to the others.

The mirror reflection theory in whole is not the point of this article. I have no way of proving that the mirror reflection theory is true until I can prove that this universe is an illusion, now there are 2 ways that can happen:

1. In theory, since all the universes are connected according to my Mirror Reflection theory our universe must be a parent or “realâ€? universe to at least one other universe, so basically we wait for that universe to achieve a way of breaking free into our universe.

2. We find a way to break out of our illusion. In theory this should be the hardest to do since we technically know nothing of our universe due to its contradicting laws.

Now in theory when a universe breaks out of its illusion it comes into the other universe, so the illusion universe should be destroyed, now if every universe was destroyed except for one than we may be able to find the secret beyond this world. Also the illusion universe will become a part of the “realâ€? universe so eventually we would have thousands of different universes all in one. Now if everything I said is true that this should and should not be possible because it all breaks down to whether or not the universe if finite or infinite. The most intimidating to chose is infinite because we have been told all our life (without proof) that the universe is never-ending, but the most probable of these 2 would be finite because it is theoretically impossible for all things to go on forever.

This article may seem like its repeating itself by this point, but please bear with me, it is very hard to get a point across about subjects that have been vaguely hinted. The most popular of these hints would have been a very recent movie: The Matrix. I assure you that this is a completely different idea form The Matrix, the only thing that it has in common is the view of a real world and illusion world. Also Isaac Asimov’s book I robot states the laws of the universe in a form regarding to robots, if the robot breaks those laws it would cease to be a universe. Which basically proves my point that universe that we live in is not technically a universe. All my life I had thought about ideas like these: science, nature, religion, but it all ends in not wanting to be bothered by thinking about it. It wasn’t until now that I realized it was our destiny to be bothered by it, of course using a word like destiny would contradict my anti-religious viewpoint of this situation, but still it is being used in the form that the destiny is the destiny of out “realâ€? world. It’s not until we break free from this reality and reach the next that we find out the truth.

Have more fun!

Dr_Eechmen 17 years, 4 months ago

Umm… ok… sk8… I'm guessing that you either just randomly copied that from somewhere… or you've written an essay on that subject or something. Still, a veiw is a view…

And george… I have no clue where you came from… randomly popped up while I was gone… or at least I hadn't run into you earlier.

So hi. And no, It isn't spam… by everywhere, I meant a few communities that I"m active in…. not like every single message board I could find…

…following sk8's philosophy…at least, I"m assuming that it's his… what's to say that we get answers when we pass into the next? Just a little convo- sparker…. though I can pretty much gyuarantee that it's unanswerable… unless sk8 is some sort of prophet or higher being in disguise or something….

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

Its my thesis, I wrote it last week. Its incorrect in its own way. So yeah, I'm going to leave it and write a new one once I can fully grasp the subject at hand.

Just remeber this, we cannot exist in this universe, it is not religious, governed, this world is complete anarchy.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

You're not allowed to. Its my idea, agreeing with me kills my whole point. Only cool people can agree with me.

mazimadu 17 years, 4 months ago

hmmm…. this is a tough one. As a Christian, I believe in God (Capital G) the creator of the universe. I do not believe the universe was created out of a big explosion of nothingness, that is what they teach in school to get good grades. I also do not believe that a bunch of random circumstances lead up to the creation and evolution of life on this (and only this) planet, there has to be something more.

As for God, I cannot question his existence after all, He is important to my faith, without faith we do not exist.

sk8m8trix 17 years, 4 months ago

where did god (lowercase g) come from?