I ask you... why?

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Aug. 28, 2006, 10:02 p.m.

This is an actual conversation in the expert topic "Creating An AI That Learns" at the GMC


Zgamemaker 8:11 PM - This is pretty hard i have one but it has tons of bugs.

Zgamemaker 8:13 PM - please reply Eechmen

Me 8:18 PM -Umm.. I'm replying, but what did you want me to reply with? Did I miss a question? Do you have a link the the example?

Zgamemaker 08:19 PM - i dont its not really good but it learns and it's not ready

Me 8:21 PM -Umm, ok, glad to hear that, good luck with it. Why exactly did you want me to reply? Did you want help or something? Or did you just want me to reply?

Zgamemaker 8:44 PM - sorry i left

Zgamemaker 8:45 PM - i need help

Me 8:51 PM - With what?

Zgamemaker 8:53 PM - its about disk game reading like when you have the disk out it does not work but when in it works and i need tips for AI

Me 9:04 PM - So you're looking for tips on AI… well, i recommend looking at examples posted on this thread. Ones I'd recommend are (and not

limited to, it's just that I remember these right now) RandomYakc's sight example, both Spark's and My genetic programming examples, the grid

examples from a while back… and that's all I remember right now. Remember, this thread is for discussion on learning AIs, so if you don't want a

learning AI, or don't have input for them, you've come to the wrong place. Look for a more general AI thread.


This guy never came back… thank god. What has the GMC come to?

My favorite quotes-

"its about disk game reading like when you have the disk out it does not work but when in it works and i need tips for AI" //…

"i need help" //mental?

"i dont its not really good but it learns and it's not ready" // what are you trying to say?

Mabye I'm being a bit harsh….


melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Heh, very strange.

Atmosck 18 years, 5 months ago

There's no such thing as harsh. It's like the other end of listening to one end of a phone convorsation. He's talking to the guy be he thinks the other guy already knows half of what he's trying to say.

t3mp3st 18 years, 5 months ago

I wish all posts in Experts were previewed. One reason I rarely go in there.

Cocopuffs 18 years, 5 months ago

My favorite quote is one of the more common ones,

"hey i need a mmorpg engine thats realy simple to use kthnx"

shadowstrike32 18 years, 5 months ago

ciribotting noobs. I deal with them every day.

There was a computer i fixed yesterday from an almost barely working and adware/virus-ridden state. When i finally got it to boot succesfully into safemode (with explorer running and all) I inspected all of the folders for evidence of misuse of the computer. There was a folder, plainly put on the desktop of one of the other shared accounts, that was labeled "dont open". pfft, so i open it and find a collection of about 30GB of porn. And these people were wondering why the computer was infected! on top of that, i had found 3 antiviruses running at the same time, 2 of which were adware themselves. Yikes.

So after scanning and locking the folder, I leave it there for my clients to debate about its existence. Apparently, a guy ended upi sleeping on the couch that night from the yelling i hear when i walked ou the door =)

as for the final quote… i think he was trying to say that he had allready made an AI that was not good at anything but learning, and he didnt want to show anybody that it didnt exist so he said it wasnt done. gradeschooler if you ask me.

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Haha, idiots. "dont open"? Haha.

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

I dropped that topic (and most of the expert's section) a long time ago.

Most of the Expert section are filled with newbies who THINK they're experts/smart.
