Well, Hassan ended up dropping web and going to engineering (yay) so it looks like things will go fine with robotics… Though my friend and I have ben dissallowed to edit the web page until we start sishing out assignments to our 15 member web team (way too large for a small website). Ohh well…
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><hr style="z-index:1" size="1pt" width="90%"></marquee>Apperantly, the glitch in Blitz is more complicated than I previously believed. It worked on 5 computers, and failed on 2 (sure, one of those just had to be the reviewer's). I have no clue what's going on as of right now, it's getting on my nerves. If you wouldn't mind, could you see if it works on your computer?Blitz Demo v6a <marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><hr style="z-index:1" size="1pt" width="90%"></marquee>I'm going camping next weekend. It's always nice to get away from society and… believe it or not.. technology.<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="right"><hr style="z-index:1" size="1pt" width="90%"></marquee>// oh sure… marquees don't work in blogs… the hrs were supposed to be moving…
Blitz worked fine on m comp. Maybe those people didn't extract the files…
i extracted them… it didnt work.