
Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Sept. 2, 2006, 11:34 a.m.

Well, after talking to a couple of staff members, I finally got Blitz approved. Expect it to appear tonight. Currently, there are aproximately 7 people who the game worked for, and 3 who it didn't work for. This problem apperanlty has to do with some of my menu effects… some computers aren't configured to use them (I think… at least that's what chigger told me)


The truth behind Dr. Eechmen…

Many people (no 64ders… o well) have asked why the heck I'm called Dr. Eechmen…. well, here's why. My origional line of games (most of which were horrible) was the "Super Leech" saga. I decided that Super Leech needed a creator, a human. I took Leech and added men getting 'Leechmen'. Then I split it into 'L' and 'Eechmen'. I decided that I wanted a first name that started with an s, to correspond with super, as with super leech, and I chose 'Sameul'. When put together, you get Sameuleechmen. Now, you're probably wondering why I spelled Samuel wrong… it was a typo in my first game, and it stuck


The world still hasn't ended!


Ciribot 18 years, 5 months ago

Are you expecting the world to end soon?

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago

chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

Guess who's game i just accepted… =)

sinkhead 18 years, 5 months ago

Mr Pie's?

marbs 18 years, 5 months ago

The world still hasn't ended!
I wouldn't be so certain…