
Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Sept. 6, 2006, 5:31 p.m.

I was elected as the robotics team web captain, and I'm also on the oral pres. commitee! YAY!


Also, since I'm happy, i'll share some of the funniest/saddest moments in my life/ my friend's lives…

1) My girlfriend and I had been window shopping, and we decided to sit down on a stone wall for the heck of it… and when we sat down on it, the wall fell over. It just so happened that the wall's owner was there, and he threatened to call the cops on us… we ended up having to build a stone wall =)

2) My friend and her boyfriend were goofing around on a playground, and she fell off of of a swing, breaking her arm, and her boyfriend ended up jumping down to see if she was alright, and he sprained his ankle…

3) My friend and I were shooting bb guns in my backyard, and one of the bb's went through the target, ricocheted off of a flowerpot, then off of a fence, and shattered my window.


Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

it'll suck if you take that advice when you bust a kneecap… or during surgery…