Blank Again

Posted by Dr_Eechmen on Sept. 28, 2006, 4:29 p.m.

Well, I've had an odd day today… firstly, I had a heavely accented english sub in french today… a bit odd… and when she was calling role, I accidentally said 'here' in an english accent (a pretty good one, I might add) and she ended up thinking that I was english, and I ended up speaking like that for th rest of the class… it was fun, but it sucked.


A seven year old came up to me and said "There are three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't"


I just found out the truth: even girls say that all girls are bi; one of my best friends (a girl) randomly told me that all girls are born bi… a bit surprising, from her… considering who she was…


I have an orchestra concert in a couple of hours… yay!


Umm… THE END … I think.


Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

I just found out the truth: even girls say that all girls are bi; one of my best friends (a girl) randomly told me that all girls are born bi… a bit surprising, from her… considering who she was…
Ill take that as a good thing.

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 4 months ago

Yeah… I don't know… I kinda tend to try to stick with one girl at a time until the relationship is destroyed by my anti-dating 'friends'… I'm currently single so I have no clue as to… anything…

ParadoxEquation 18 years, 4 months ago

I just found out the truth: even girls say that all girls are bi; one of my best friends (a girl) randomly told me that all girls are born bi… a bit surprising, from her… considering who she was…
That's the way of the world today. Sex is really off the track. I will take bi girls as a good thing too. However, we have a really bad thing balancing this, and it's…really…really bad. You know what I'm talking about, right?

Dr_Eechmen 18 years, 4 months ago
