(E-Mag) Review: The Pyramid

Posted by E-Magination on Nov. 26, 2006, 3:38 a.m.

Pug Fugly made a new game. Wait! Don't hit that back button yet! It's an awesome one! Better than

Project Microlife and Orbit Racer! It's…

The Pyramid.

Gameplay: Not as hard as usual, in fact, it ranges from easy to hard. It's quite addictive and it's greatly explained by the awesome tutorial. The game also has a lot of options, + 120 levels. Yes, one hundred and twenty! (Enter picture of some darts player here)

Graphics: Similiar to Pug Fugly's usual art: drawn entirely in GM and still amazing. Some things are a bit badly blurred, but the overal is very nice.

Sound: as far as I'm concerned the sound is all original, and not annoying or bad in anyway. It actually does very well.

Music: Original, and nice. Altough it's composed with MadTracker, it doesn't sound like Pug was irritated by the interface.

It's catchy and not repetetive. Altough it is mono, the sound quality is good.

Overall An enjoyable family friendly game. Recomended.

Link: http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?showtopic=252916


sk8m8trix 18 years, 1 month ago

uhuh… hi im sk8, i dont know u

smaksak 18 years, 1 month ago

@sk8 -

Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

@sk8 mabye we dont know you mister 20 billion accounts

abacus 18 years, 1 month ago

It's in the Cagematch. Amazzing

deadheat 18 years, 1 month ago

Pug has to be one of the most consistent game developers I know. Yet another great game. Obviously the review doesn't do it justice.