James Bond = Penguin

Posted by E-Magination on Jan. 5, 2007, 2 a.m.

Yeah. Kinda.

Yesterday, in the AD* newspaper, where the usual film reviews and rankings. They always have a ranking of the five most popular movies, from left to right with pictures atop of them.

Now guess what? The switched the pictures of No.1 and 2, Happy Feet and Casino Royale respectively!

Can you believe how stupid that looked?

Well anyway, later that day, I was off to see Happy Feet. (Hooray)

The movie lacked kinda, story, but well, the graphics where a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

They are all so realistic and emotional, the illusion of overwhelming-ness especially was very well done.

In the scene where the Macaroni guy fights with 2 Orcas I thought to myself: Wow. This is what I want fucking next-gen to do.

I advidce anyone that still thinks Next-Gen and stuff is useless (at the moment it is) to see this movie. It's amazing screenwork, besides being cute.

And it has penguins. What more do you need? Billions of polygons on penguins! YAY!

*AD is short for Algemeen Dagblad (General Daily), not Advertisement.


Arcalyth 18 years, 1 month ago

Hehe, penguin boobies. If you saw Happy Feet, there's no way you could have missed those.

E-Magination 18 years, 1 month ago

Unless you're blind.

Arcalyth 18 years, 1 month ago

Why would you be going to a movie then?

Cesque 18 years, 1 month ago

Can you believe how stupid that looked?

One foreign newspaper put up picture of the Unabomber as the picture of the president of Poland. They both have the same last name, hehe.

OL 18 years, 1 month ago

Why would you be going to a movie then?

To listen? Jesus, dumbass.

I'll put in the obligatory [/sarcasm] just so you don't get upset.