64D RPG entry

Posted by E-Magination on May 4, 2007, 2:55 a.m.

OK I forgot the name of my own game. Whatever. I found it again. It's

64 chronicles: The First Showdown


Now for the story:

Long, long ago…

There was a time…

When 64digits was a peaceful place.

Until the day came…

…when all WazzupGames members suddenly invaded…

These Noëbians, noebs for short, tried to destroy everything. They flooded the magical waters of Komman’d

And abused the sacred ritual of Blawging to get to a place called “La Frontpagée”

The peaceful town of La Frontpagée was quickly flooded. Something had to be done. Something only you, eBragination, can do. You must return the power to the native 64digians , or everybody is doomed!


JakeX: eBragination upsets his giant ego and has to fight him. Possibly final boss. Week point: speed. Representing the low framerates of his games, ofcourse.

He also has a banhammer he doesn’t mind using to help the 64digians, even after you upset him.

Shadow Yoshi: wants everyone to emerge to Shadow Fire Studios. eBragination comes inside a room representing SFS, a place full of bugs eBragination has to fight. In the end of the SFS dungeon, Shadow Yoshi wants to take revenge on eBragination, because one of the bugs took away his Misa Campo pics. After the bug had asploded (magic ritual where something shatters to pieces, drastically reducing the force of AfPeeEs for a short time.) so did the pictures.

Kaz: Joins the player in a battle until his girlfriend dumps him. After that, he retreats to a town called Roll Barrél, crying all day with a “shuvel” in his hands. If eBragination meets him, Kaz will give him a cat, while saying “it’s dangerous to go alone. Take this”. The cat will fight the eBragination.

BlueboyX: is first fought in Blueboy form, where he is very weak. In BlueboyX form, he will be a lot like JakeX, only much weaker.

Ludamad: gets eaten by Ciribot. Ciribot promises to spit him out after a series puzzles is completed.

Hogofwar: blocks your path. Luckily, JakeX is willing to make it Hammer Time.

OpticalLiam: finds an “exploit” in the city walls, where noebs can pass through. He tries it and gets banned. eBragination gets him unbanned . In return, OpticalLiam will help eBragination with a large problem.

Takagi: found in a foreign city, far outside of 64digits. He masters the banhammer, too. eBragination must convince him to go with him, in order to be able to defeat one of JakeX’s henchmen.

Deepermeaning: one of JakeX henchmen. Or should I say Henchwomen?

Currently WIP.

Comment if you know an additional character for me.

Maybe I'll put up some screens soon.


Bryan 17 years, 9 months ago

There is a problem with all people entering the contest, they make a story, tell people about it. But noone got screenies or playable demos.


Nice story tho.

E-Magination 17 years, 9 months ago

Yeah I'm working on the game. It's not ready for screens yet, tough I think I can get it ready for them today or tomorrow.

JW 17 years, 9 months ago

PUT ME IN. I have awesome powers of not completing games, making short blogs, and posting useless comments. But when 64d needs to be defended, I'm your man.

KaBob799 17 years, 9 months ago

Comment if you know an additional character for me.
me =D

Castypher 17 years, 9 months ago

Nice story, but I'm sorry. Bryan's will pwn yours.

@bob799: You're in mine. =D

E-Magination 17 years, 9 months ago

I need stuff like Nobody posted. What I currently know of Bob is not enough. I need something characteristic.

Castypher 17 years, 9 months ago

That's when you go around and find out what they posted to build their character. We all know that by DF's posts, his catch phrase is "RAWR!" And Luda's creatures are "Ciribots." So, take a good look around, and what Nobody posted is helpful. Also make sure to add in that JakeX never finishes games…except for ColumnsX.

Believe me, I'm the same way, but I'm looking at posts to decide on a character.

Bryan 17 years, 9 months ago

Lol ye. I'm going to put a screenie here too.

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

Add Shork, the Dark Pharoh. Shork is constantly tring to conquer the universe with overlycomplicated and circular plans, but always messes up some tiny detail, like a decimal point or something, then Benny Hill music is played and a good time is had by all.

Castypher 17 years, 9 months ago

Mine will pwn YOURS, bryan!