Lots of Random Things...

Posted by ESA on Nov. 29, 2007, 11:13 a.m.


Anyone played this game before? I was thinking of buying it for my best friend as a christmas present. I heard it got really good reviews.

<b>Pixeljoint Contest</b>


I thought this was an interesting idea for one. Anyone here a member on pixeljoint?


Christmas: less than a month away…


Read previous post for more detail. I am still willing to do them.

<b>Chip Tunes</b>

Modules. Can you make them? Do you listen to them? I think they give games a real retro feel because they're so oldschool. I use MilkyTracker to make some. My favorite modules come from Estrayk.

<b>What Games are you playing right now?</b>

I'm not playing any right now really. I was playing Guild Wars and some COD a few weeks ago, but right now I'm just fooling around with the Crysis demo.

<b>World of Warcraft</b>

I don't like it. Do you? I think THIS is pretty sad.


Which one is your favorite? I think that making it was a really cool idea.


Have one?

<b>What do you think of YoYo Games?</b> <—I'm really curious about this one.

I personally don't think it was such a great idea but that's just me. I'm awfully curious about what you all have to say about it


Ok, that's all.


hogofwar 17 years ago

that video is really sad especcially about the chinese suicide

Myth 17 years ago


Yep the video is sad. Also, I dunno why but I can't get addicted to a game. And I tried WoW. It's not that big deal. There are better MMORPGs out there.

OL 17 years ago

Bioshock is great, worth the buy.

ESA 17 years ago

Thanks OL I'll get it then :D