Hello Again...

Posted by ESA on Dec. 4, 2007, 9:41 a.m.


I'm helping a number of people with theirs so I have no time for my own. smallperson has a good game that I talked about in my previous blog. I'm helping him a bit with music. Hope everyone's game making is going well.


I like buying people presents and seeing what they look like when they open them (especially if it's a crap present. Nah, I'm only joking, I get people thoughtful ones). Only 21 more days till Christmas now.

<b>My Avatar?</b>

What do you think of it. I did it really roughly in paint and I thought it looked cool black-on-white. I know it's simple, but I'd like to see what you think of it. I know it seems quite sloppy, but that's the style I was aiming for. I will probably change it though.


I tried it today. I liked it. What do you think of it? Any strategies? I find it rather hard…

<b>What sports do you all do?</b>

Football (well, "soccer" in america), swimming, and skiing for me. And much more, but I'm too lazy to list them all here.


I don't get my school… We have these massive stretches where we get little homework, then in the course of about <b>two</b> days, all of this stuff is due. I've been writing & making essays, posters, assignments, and evaluations all weekend. Wow. I only realise how much I did when I write about it. I better get back to work. Arrgghh…


Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

=/ I hate the avatar. It looks like chicken scratch. Also, most people do like ColumnsX when they first play it.

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

Yup. Not very creative avatar if I can say :D

ESA 17 years, 2 months ago

Fair enough. I wanted it to look like chicken scratch, so it would have a "sloppy" feeling to it :D

It's un-organized like me. Oh.crap.where.did.I.put.that.space.key.

Phil Steele 17 years, 2 months ago

Your avatar is boring.

Columns X pwns.

Rugby FTW!

Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

Yep. Rugby pwns. Also, I don't know why you would want your avatar to look like crap. =/

Also, the space bar thing is crap.

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

Homework… yep, I had a history teacher years back that would love to dump like 17 pages of homework on ya all at once. Read the book and the questions would be in order if you found where the question connected to. I had like a D+ average in that class (bored out of my skull)… now I am interested a bit in it even though I thought I would never have a use for it. Wish I paid attention now. ;)

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh yeah…Avatar… it just struck me. Yeah, not much there, but it did remind me of the black rabbit in "Watership Down" in a way. (Love that move).

ESA 17 years, 2 months ago

My rabbit is from Water Ship down! Great book and movie! I try to pay attention in my classes but it can be hard :D

Ice of sweden 17 years, 2 months ago

What's your new game ESA?

F1ak3r 17 years, 2 months ago

ColumnsX. You need to outlast the AI. Don't worry about outscoring it. Outlast it. Once it's out, you'll have all the time you need to outscore it.