I was shopping yesterday and I saw this pencil case (or something of the sort) with little triangles like the ones at the top right corner of 64digits. 'How strange!' I thought. Turns out the pencil thingy was made by Tombow, some Japanese company. My
Japanese friend has stuff from this company too I realised after reading the name. Anyway, I just thought this was pretty funny.It reminded me of when in the Simpsons, Homer sees this soap box with his face on it, and it was made by a Japanese company too. Quite a coincidence. Here is the link to the American website for the company, and you can see those little arrow things at the top.www.tombowusa.com^Their little arrows even have the same color as the red one on 64d.Finishing off the blog (sorry it's a bit short. Well, very short compared to F1ak3r's newest blog entry!)…What shows do you watch? I watch the Simpsons (as you might have noticed), Heroes, Scrubs and more.What do you think of the Beowulf movie? My friend and I both agreed that it definitely is a pioneer in its form of animation. Yes, no live action in the movie; it's completely animated. But I thought it was pretty good, especially the soundtrack.Did any of you ever watch AVGN on youtube before? (That's "Angry Video Game Nerd" for those of you who haven't seen it.) I like how he swears…
Fuckballs! Fuckfarts! Fucknuts!
I didn't say it was copying… maybe my blog title was misleading. I'll go and change it. I was actually just trying to point out how the traingle things look pretty similar.
I meant similar as in the way they were at the top of the page, they were the same style, and color. I guess I wasn't being descriptive enough again…
Oh, and I didn't say that they were copying 64digits.You ain't seen nothing yet! In my December 30th blog, I'm gonna reach at least 12500 characters!
Beowulf was ANIMATED?! But… the trailer… it was so… woah, I need to sit down.
F1ak3r, I think you may need to begin publishing some of your entries! :D
"they were the same style, and color."
Errr… 3 sides in a shape does not make it the same style - theirs are elongated whereas ours are not, as well as they are facing a different direction - and 64D is red green and blue , not just red.And theres 3 >.>
I said they were SIMILAR not CONGRUENT. And I also said this about 3 times.
I hate congruency <_<