Posted by Enkidu on Aug. 28, 2009, 3:41 p.m.

a game i made over summer last year! hell yeah! I couldnt upload it as usual cause the file upload was having problems.

Robits 0.44

GM Version: 7

File type: .zip with a .exe inside.

Resolution: 1024x768 Does not change resolution

Starts in Full screen if size is at 1024x768 -option to change this in game.

Download Robits 0.44 .zip

Game Version: 0.44

The Menu

Game Play

Game Play

More if you care:

The game features:

-FULLY Destructible Terrain

-15 Different Weapons

-Creation of a character

-Random Terrain generating

-Several Maps

Refer to the F1 Game Info and Tutorial for more info.


-To change maps click on the Text not the image.

-All Coding/Scripts and Sprites (except the Worms Donkey) made from scratch and by me.

-If your computer doesn't have much RAM or a good CPU do not turn on Smoothing!

-The resolution may be fairly large to some (Last time I posted a 1024x768 game people complained.)


Player 1: Arrow keys - Move

/ - Fire

. - Switch Weapons

, - Auto aim off/on

; - Jet Pack

Controls are changeable in the Controls.txt file if you are fluent in GML.

Download Robits 0.44 .zip

-Ellipsis - Got Rice (aEggroll/V-Unit/aRicePicker)


JID 15 years, 5 months ago

Looks amazing! dwnloading….

Toast 15 years, 5 months ago

Well it looks nice and complicated. Though it ran pretty choppy on a 1.8Ghz Core 2 Duo and 2GB RAM, which most people would consider 'good' for a 2D game… I really hated the controls, too, mouse aim would be appreciated (unless I'm missing something).

Overall very well made though. I don't have the patience to put that much work in a 'game engine'

JID 15 years, 5 months ago

It lagged really bad for me for some reason. I liked all the graphics except for the people, not to be mean or anything but the people's sprites for the cutscenes were poor, and I thought the dialogue was hilarious in the beginning, you intended that, right?

JID 15 years, 5 months ago

And, I agree with Toast, the controls were complicated and I won't play this game again until it has mouse aiming…

Enkidu 15 years, 5 months ago

hough it ran pretty choppy on a 1.8Ghz Core 2 Duo and 2GB RAM
yeah it does this after awhile on good computers… I need to optimize my robots scripts some more. It goes full speed on souped up computers though. Try turning off the terrain destruction in options

people's sprites for the cutscenes were poor
I hastily made the cutscene characters, and yeah the dialogue was supposed to not make any sense. :]

mouse aim would be appreciated
I should have put this in earlier. I haven't done this yet as it has been played as a single machine multiplayer game here mostly. and only one mouse would be quite unfair to the other players. will do in next update though.

Leyenda 15 years, 5 months ago

nice job. This looks very cool. sorta surreal and bizarro. It stuttered a few times but generally runs smooth.

Well done.