Whenever I run a game, I get an error saying DSOUND.dll not found (blahblah) could not initialize direct sound. I have downloaded DSOUND.dll and put it in C:WindowsSystem
expecting it to work, but it doesn't. So now in any game, whenever I am supposed to hear a s sound, the game becomes choppy. What should I do?Please help!
From what I see,all you can do is cry.
Thank you, but I want to do something more useful. Really, man, I can't play or make any games, help me fix this thing good. Do you know where should dll go? I think C:WindowsSystem.
I believe it belongs in the system folder, but it could belong in drivers, too. If you can't figure it out, you may need to reinstall your operating system.
I figured out I may need too download the newest Vaio drivers.It could help.
Have you searched it on google?Perhaps someone has posted its proper location.
Yeah I did. I'm downloading the drivers, now. I hope that will work, or SO HELP ME GOD I'm gonna burn this PC!
DirectSound … hm… update your DirectX version too
I wouldn't burn your PC…because after that you'll have to burn your siblings…
wow! all go BOOM!!