My first blog?

Posted by Eternal on July 25, 2006, 5:12 p.m.

Okay, I know this might sound odd, but the Faggot Mod never really was high on my priorities list. I have had so so many personal things go wrong over the past week and a half it's not even funny. Now, I do not like Phatty editing my blogs, I have enough on my mind. So fuck off, and go somewhere else. Hopefully, if melee was right about something, he will never be back.

Fuck The Phantom.

Okay, so this is the first blog I have made since the Faggot Mod cleared my account. The thing is, the joke's on him. He gave me a reason to change my banner, and all my files are backed up. They will be up by tomorrow. Plus, he is in for a big suprise.

But, anyway, I am leaving for about a week soon. This thursday, I will be gone for about 10 days, maybe. My friends have a timeshare we are going too. Yeah, I didn't think anyone bought those things, either.

But, yeah, I flamed Phaty really bad a coupla times, but he deleted all of the comments.

If anyone ever finds out his true IP (He is using a dynamic one), then tell me. I plan on infecting his computer with 3 hommade viruses, maybe more. Yes, you can make viruses in GM. In fact…

Three types of GM made viruses:

I'm not gonna post them in this blog. If you PM me though, I might just tell you. Also, dabridge showed me the shutdown, restart, and log off arguments, and how to change the homepage.

So, anyways, I am working on way to many projects, at the moment. I am making a TDS/Racing game fusion, which will be my main project, Momentary and Sproing Head being side projects, and I am starting a clan.

Also, I made a 64digits userbar. Here it is:

Put this in your GMC signature:

without the spaces to make this:

So, yeah, post your thoughts here.


Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Lol, I remember downloading that when you made it. I never used it though… and oddly enough, it never showed up on my virus scanner, even when I click on "scan file for malicious material"…

Malaika 18 years, 7 months ago

firstly, there is no "real IP" with a dynamic address - they're designed so that the IP can't be traced.

Secondly, you realise that's just stupid. If you want to feel special, make a GAME with Gamemaker, not destructive software.

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

I don't care about feeling special, I care about pissing this guy off. And thank you for the info on the dynamic address, I didn't know that.

rockyran 18 years, 7 months ago

Malaika, you DO know why he's doing all these viruses/telling us about them, don't you?

basilamer 18 years, 7 months ago

Eternal, you are SO in my favorite users!

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Awesome, :)

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 7 months ago

Err… The GMC? Do you want a bunch of n00bs running around here?

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

You have a point… hmmm…. well, we could always turn this into a n00b boot camp! XD

basilamer 18 years, 7 months ago

how about we get a group of us to make a n00b bootcamp site!no?i think its a GREAT IDEA!

Takagi 18 years, 7 months ago

Okay, I'm sort of confused… why the heck do you and Hootie_hoo have "Pup" or something written next to your name in the "Active Users" list?