Oh my god! Not a blog!!!
Okay, so just a few minutes ago, a message kept popping up when I was reading the comments on my blog. This message? Well… <a href=http://64digits.com/users/Eternal/desertfox.PNG> Just take a look at it.</a href>Also, I am leaving for a week coming up soon. I will leave this friday, and come back 9 days later, on a Sunday. In a weird twist of inspiration from Melee, my trip, and -gasp- the phantom! =0! I am settling down to one project. Here's how it is going to work: I am going to stop all projects now. The phantom helped me with this because he deleted all my games. He's still an asshole though. The trip inspired me, because I am not going to start my project until I get back. And, melee inspired me from that mouse motion thing. Now, what game is this, you may ask? Well, I can give you an anagram:Cande and, the genre starts with an R.[phantomrant]I recently (accidentally?) recieved PM's going from firestormx to the phantom, and back. It was very interesting how the phantom insisted he did nothing to harm me at first. I mean, finding loopholes in everything I say and intentionally making me look stupid… Hey, you are right, hey didn't do anything bad at all, did he? Also, he insisted that I lied about several incidents involving him. I can say one word to that: Bullshit! I did not lie about any incident involving him. The only thing I could think of, is one of my blogs getting deleted. I instantly assumed it was him, but when talking to melee I discovered it wasn't. Also, you could tell he was exaturating things from this quote: "I vacationed from the site for a day, and when I returned he had a blog with almost 150 comments on it,"Now, I always thought a day was 24 hours, not ONE WEEK. [/phantomrant]<a href=http://zt.firephoenixnet.com/forums/>Join here. New members are needed.</a href>So yeah, that is my blog, for now. I will add more content later.
Lol, What asshole used a mouseover and got his warn +1'd?
I know the name:
"Rant about the P-hantom: Millions of 64D rants inside!"That would be awesome, a game full of 64D rants about the P-hantom, err, Friendless Loser(Monkey's Asshole should be changed to Friendless loser, just in case someone sees "Monkey's Asshole", gets offended, and leaves. XDWell, if they get offended by the term 'monkey's asshole', well, then, there's not going to be alot of non-offensive material here XD