There is a blog in here! :O

Posted by Eternal on July 27, 2006, 8:29 a.m.

Oh my god! Not a blog!!!

Okay, so just a few minutes ago, a message kept popping up when I was reading the comments on my blog. This message? Well… <a href=> Just take a look at it.</a href>

Also, I am leaving for a week coming up soon. I will leave this friday, and come back 9 days later, on a Sunday.

In a weird twist of inspiration from Melee, my trip, and -gasp- the phantom! =0! I am settling down to one project. Here's how it is going to work: I am going to stop all projects now. The phantom helped me with this because he deleted all my games. He's still an asshole though. The trip inspired me, because I am not going to start my project until I get back. And, melee inspired me from that mouse motion thing. Now, what game is this, you may ask? Well, I can give you an anagram:


and, the genre starts with an R.


I recently (accidentally?) recieved PM's going from firestormx to the phantom, and back. It was very interesting how the phantom insisted he did nothing to harm me at first. I mean, finding loopholes in everything I say and intentionally making me look stupid… Hey, you are right, hey didn't do anything bad at all, did he? Also, he insisted that I lied about several incidents involving him. I can say one word to that: Bullshit! I did not lie about any incident involving him. The only thing I could think of, is one of my blogs getting deleted. I instantly assumed it was him, but when talking to melee I discovered it wasn't. Also, you could tell he was exaturating things from this quote: "I vacationed from the site for a day, and when I returned he had a blog with almost 150 comments on it,"

Now, I always thought a day was 24 hours, not ONE WEEK.


<a href=>Join here. New members are needed.</a href>

So yeah, that is my blog, for now. I will add more content later.


Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Lol, What asshole used a mouseover and got his warn +1'd?

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 7 months ago

I know the name:

"Rant about the P-hantom: Millions of 64D rants inside!"

That would be awesome, a game full of 64D rants about the P-hantom, err, Friendless Loser(Monkey's Asshole should be changed to Friendless loser, just in case someone sees "Monkey's Asshole", gets offended, and leaves. XD

Eternal 18 years, 7 months ago

Well, if they get offended by the term 'monkey's asshole', well, then, there's not going to be alot of non-offensive material here XD