True or False: Does this picture contain the color purple?Also, I am getting a new banner, as I am writing this. It's very basic, but it'll do the job, for now.It's up. Like it?Is it just me, or is Pwning n00bs over at the GMC getting easier and easier.
Yeah, I knew what was going from the second I saw that picture.
That topic at the GMC was absolutely hilarious. "There's proof that jusus existed! He married Mary Magdelene and had a KID! I read it in a fictional story called THE DA VINCI CODE. I bet no one else has heard of it. That's how religious I am."And as I read that I thought to myself, "Wow, this is the ultimate tool."
You don't have to believe in christianity to believe Jesus existed, that's almost as if saying "I don't believe in George Bush!"
Yeah, I knew what was going from the second I saw that picture.
That topic at the GMC was absolutely hilarious. "There's proof that jusus existed! He married Mary Magdelene and had a KID! I read it in a fictional story called THE DA VINCI CODE. I bet no one else has heard of it. That's how religious I am."And as I read that I thought to myself, "Wow, this is the ultimate tool."ZDM is going to be the Official tool of my next blog, breaking ChIkEn's streak.
Red and blue. Hah. And nice banner. And pwning n00bs is easier. Now that I know enough GML and stuff to do it.
no, it's easier because they're stupider every day (yes, it is possible)
OHHHHHHHHH, Now I see it. OK. And yes, pwning n00bs is easyer. I mean, even I can do it. :D
Typing with one hand, thats how I misspelled 'easier'. :D