N00b list Canceled!!!

Posted by Eternal on Sept. 8, 2006, 3:52 p.m.

Hey everybody.

As you may or may not know, recently I have been monitoring members, and tracking their "bad" actions. I have been adding this all to a "n00b list". I cancelled this.

Everyone's probably wondering why, so I'll tell you.

Now, I honestly expected 1 user in particular to be on the list the most. That user was not Boss. The user I expected to be on it the most quickly cleaned up their act. On the other hand, one user seemingly wanted the attention. He gained in the level of his "Noobage.". I don't know why. I believe that he may have wanted his name on this list, for attention. Either that or he was mad at me, because he thought he would be on their alot. This resulted in an on-going flame war between me and him. Now, if you recall, this was NOT meant to start a flame war. Therefore I believe it has moved in a direction in which I did not want it to go. At one point, I tried to stop putting him on the list, and combed the site for other users. He still kept doing stuff, and I had to be fair. I did find other users, about 9, but still. The List would come off as something done intentionally to insult Boss if I would have left it this way.

So, there you have it. The N00b List has been cancelled.

Have a nice day,



noshenim 18 years, 5 months ago

not Boss?


melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago
Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago


Godamnit though people, can't you read? IT WASN'T BOSS THAT I THOUGHT WOULD BE THE BIGGEST N00B!!!

Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago

Check this out.
Lol, Smarty got it right.

aeron 18 years, 5 months ago

One thing's for sure even if the list was still going on, I for sure wouldn't be on it. Nope. No-sir-ee. I'm 100% non-noobish. Yep. Zero percent noob, one hundred percent ownage. that's me. I'm noob free. I spray my room with a special anti-noob lysol and it doesn't affect me one bit. I took the noob quiz and passed. I'm for sure not a noob. There's no way in the world I could possibly be a noob. Nope. I even have some cool sunglasses. And everyone knows that noobs can't have sunglasses or they get shot. I'm alive so that must mean I'm not a noob! Sweet! Cya guys and remember I'm NOT a noob! Not at all!

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago


Acid 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: subsonic
One thing's for sure even if the list was still going on, I for sure wouldn't be on it. Nope. No-sir-ee. I'm 100% non-noobish. Yep. Zero percent noob, one hundred percent ownage. that's me. I'm noob free. I spray my room with a special anti-noob lysol and it doesn't affect me one bit. I took the noob quiz and passed. I'm for sure not a noob. There's no way in the world I could possibly be a noob. Nope. I even have some cool sunglasses. And everyone knows that noobs can't have sunglasses or they get shot. I'm alive so that must mean I'm not a noob! Sweet! Cya guys and remember I'm NOT a noob! Not at all!
Yesh… wait no… wait yes aww crud… I DON'T KNOW!

OL 18 years, 5 months ago

Who cares?

Amarin 18 years, 5 months ago

This is my result ^_^:


<table border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><tr bgcolor=white><td align=center><B><font face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=2><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=744><font color=#505A84>Are you a noob?</font></a></B><p><font color=#505A84 size=4><b>Not a newb or noob at all!</b></font><p>Congratulations, you did good! Have some fruit.<p><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=744><img alt="Personality Test Results" border=0 src="http://www.youthink.com/quiz_images/quiz744outcome4.jpg"></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=744><font face=verdana size=2 color=white><b>Click Here to Take This Quiz</B></font></a><br><font size=1 color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by <a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp><font color=white>YouThink.com</font></a> quizzes and personality tests.</font></td></tr></table>


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Quote: melee-master
Smarty is my hero.