
Posted by Eternal on Sept. 12, 2006, 3:29 p.m.

Remember 9/11.

I remember it like it was just yesterday. Oh.. shit… what? It <b>was</b> yesterday? Oh, whaddya know?

School was… well… interesting today.

In Spanish, my teacher accidentally gave us the Test #3, instead of Test #1. We were all like "What the fuck?"

My math teacher is a dumbass. Okay, first off, in Algebra 1, we are learning variables. In the <b>Advanced</b> Math class, we are learning variables, of all things. It's retarded. But, anyway, we get this problem:

"James is twice Cindy's age. Write the equation for James' age, if Cindy's age is <i>A</i>."

I say "Wouldn't that have to be a constant then? It wouldn't make sense otherwise, since variables can be changed. That would mean James has some sort of disorder where he ages twice as fast as he should."

The teacher goes "Don't read into the problem."

I said "Well, that is the improper use of a variable. You are teaching us the wrong thing."

He goes "We'll get to contants later."

I say "You are teaching them now."

He goes "Well, if you are so smart, go over to the high school and take Algebra 2."

I got up to leave, to go to the Guidance Office about switching, and he yells at me to sit back down. Asshole.

Also, I remembered my idea I had in Study Hall yesterday!

A 64Digits Blog Editor (64BE). You may go "WHY?!? There is one already!!!", or "How?". Here's some answers:

–It will be a downloadable .exe file. It will save your blogs as a txt file, or copy them to your clipboard, for copy+paste.

–It will have buttons for BB64, much like on forums.

–It will have a wider area to type in, I know that bothers people.

–The ability for new tags! You will be able to submit new ideas for tags to me, starting soon. I will have it parse them into HTML. Please note, this will limit it. It will be impossible to do a user tag, for example.

–Spell check. This will cut down on the amount of good members here that spell like n00bs.

So, I'm gonna start the engine for it soon.

So, yeah.

Also, people seemingly are stupid around here.

I will first off tell you that n00b is a matter of opinion.

In my opinion, a n00b fits any of the following descriptions:

Cannot flame, but thinks they can.

Cannot spell, or use proper grammar.

Makes shitty games, or edits examples.

People that think they are better than everyone else.

People that are a dumbass in general.

Now, many of the people in Gigapixel keep calling me a n00b, but have no examples. The best I have heard is "I am a n00b because I pointed out that the Gigapixel people are n00bs." Now, this was particularly said because I quoted "Aten is a n00b, because he can't spell. Marbs is occasionally a n00b."

Now, Aten cannot fucking spell. Therefore, he is a n00b in my eyes. Marbs occassionally has a "I am better than everyone else" moment.

Boss, well, just look around people. Look at some of my older blogs. Seriously, this guy is 64Digits biggest n00b.

Amerup is always making Chiken jokes, and Chiken made it obvious he hates him. Not too mention the jokes suck.

Dabridge cannot code, and he is a dumbass in general. Apparantly, I am a n00b for pointing out that other people are n00bs.

Mageknight is getting better. He's working on it, hard. So, I'm not gonna say anything about him.

So, if you are going to call me a n00b, and you are a n00b yourself, shut the fuck up. I want an example of me being a n00b.

So, yeah.



t3mp3st 18 years, 5 months ago


People that think they are better than everyone else.

I know 6 named members wouldn't quite count as everyone, but would it still apply? There's also a huge difference between thinking you are better than everyone/anyone, and feeling the need to state it. I prefer the former.

About the blog editor, sounds pretty interesting. Not to sure if I'd use it, but I'd probably at least give it a try.

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago

Dabridge, you can shut the fuck up.

First off, I would like to point out, that this all started with the n00b list. If you want the truth, Boss and Mageknight were the only people on that list, from Gigapixel, more than twice. I noticed that the Gigapixel people do tend to be n00bs. Boss, as soon as this n00b list started, started being a n00b. I never saw him be one, before the day I started it. Then, this became a huge flame war. I never said a thing about you, until you started to say shit about me. I used to say that <i>most</i> of the gigapixel people were n00bs, because they are. I never said all, until you proved me wrong. I find it humorous that you fill posts with opinions, but then tell me nobody cares about mine? Fuck you then.

Firebird: I want explanations of that. Why do you think it's a dumb idea? Why do you think that they are both examples of me being a n00b? I think it's funny that you get into this at all, since, originally, you were one of the people that was on my side in the flame war against Boss.

Also, I think it's funny how alot of these Gigapixel people are calling me an asshole. If they just now noticed I am an asshole, then they are dense as hell.

@t3mp3st: Thank you. I guess I wasn't making myself clear. Everyone thinks they are better than other people, whether it is 1 person, or 1000 people. I was talking about people who verbalize the fact that they are better than people. If you are a "Famous" GM user, I think you should look at someone like FredFredrickson. When people go "He is the best fucking GM user ever!!!", I've noticed he usually goes "Not the best." Other people, not saying any names, go "Yep, the greatest alive."

Also, Dabridge, we do have one thing in common: Waiting for that damn ignore function. Right now, you are going to be the first. Even before Boss. That says alot.

So, if you don't wanna read my fucking blogs, then get the fuck off of my user page. In fact, on the front page, when you rollover someone's blog, it says the author. So, if you rollover it, and it's by me, don't fucking click it.

melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago


Also, Dabridge, we do have one thing in common: Waiting for that damn ignore function. Right now, you are going to be the first. Even before Boss. That says alot.

Arg. I just realized that since I'm a mod, I probably shouldn't ignore anyone when that feature is added.


DSG 18 years, 5 months ago

gracias dabridge for that. Eternal, bite me. u look at a typo like its blastphemy towards the english language and using a common social sub-language of abbreviations, acronyms, and simplified words is EVIL. its faster, u moron. short and simple. noob? your a loser for using a word like that. have u ever heard me use terms like noob, 1337, haxxors or whatever? get a life! get a girlfreind! i think dabridge is cool k? noob? bite me, loser. i got a life to live.

firestormx 18 years, 5 months ago

In that math question, time is not a factor, and the question does not ask for James' age at <u>any given time</u>, only for the time the question is asked. The question states that at the given time, James is twice as old as Cindy, and then asks you to create an equation for the time that James is twice as old as Cindy.

As you get further into math, and start doing "actual" real life problems, you'll [be forced to] begin to learn to read between the lines of the question, and derive all the variables and values that you need. In this question, "James is twice Cindy's age", states that the equation for the current time, relates to the time in which James is twice Cindy's age. Therefore, 2A is a valid equation for James' age at the time of the equation.

And…I won't even go into how being hypocritcal can make you a n00b, 'cause you've got a new blog now, and I'd make you think I was dumb. :(