64Digits is going downhill.

Posted by Eternal on Sept. 13, 2006, 3:27 p.m.

I used to think of this place as my home. It still consumes alot of my time. But, it's not a home anymore.

People here seem to think I am there best friend, and they know me oh-so-well. You don't. Nobody here knows me, or what I am like.

I have noticed that the n00b barrier's here are like the US/Mexican borders. N00bs that can't fucking speak english keep coming across.

I remember when this place <i>wasn't</i> political, or n00b filled. WIth the whole 9/11 thing, there are been alot of flaming lately.

Also, I feel I am being unjustly flamed. I have yet too see any good examples of me being a n00b, but people repeatedly call me one. Seriously people, I don't wanna be a n00b. If you catch me in the act, call me on it. I won't flame you back. I wanna improve myself that way.

Dabridge, if you are reading this, please note that if you say the same shit you've said in my last 2 blogs, I will delete your comment. I understand that you don't like me calling you a n00b, but I didn't call you one until you called me one.

If I could go back in time, I woulda called that N00b List thing off. That sparked the whole shit.

Also, Mageknight, if you are reading this, talk to me. You seem to understand you are a n00b sometimes, and you want help. I will help you out.

Firebird recently said that an example of me being a n00b was Squeo and the 64Digits Blog Editor. If you are reading this, Firebird, explain. I am interested.

I am deeply considering leaving 64Digits. I don't want anything like "Don't leave", or "LEAVE!". I am going to decide whether I am going to or not within 1 week. I will tell you then.

I am seriously disapointed in what 64Digits has become.

So, if you don't like me, I don't wanna hear it. I don't like you either. If you post a comment here, I want a valid comment, that will mean something to the discussion. If you are just going to repeat yourself, or say something stupid, fuck off. If you are going to say "Nobody cares about your opinions." , fuck off. That is an opinion too, and I don't care about you if that is your opinion. I will delete comments that I see as invalid, or pointless.

If this doesn't make much sense to you, this is a quote from me in my previous blog:

Quote: Me
Dabridge, you can shut the fuck up.

First off, I would like to point out, that this all started with the n00b list. If you want the truth, Boss and Mageknight were the only people on that list, from Gigapixel, more than twice. I noticed that the Gigapixel people do tend to be n00bs. Boss, as soon as this n00b list started, started being a n00b. I never saw him be one, before the day I started it. Then, this became a huge flame war. I never said a thing about you, until you started to say shit about me. I used to say that most of the gigapixel people were n00bs, because they are. I never said all, until you proved me wrong. I find it humorous that you fill posts with opinions, but then tell me nobody cares about mine? Fuck you then.

Firebird: I want explanations of that. Why do you think it's a dumb idea? Why do you think that they are both examples of me being a n00b? I think it's funny that you get into this at all, since, originally, you were one of the people that was on my side in the flame war against Boss.

Also, I think it's funny how alot of these Gigapixel people are calling me an asshole. If they just now noticed I am an asshole, then they are dense as hell.

@t3mp3st: Thank you. I guess I wasn't making myself clear. Everyone thinks they are better than other people, whether it is 1 person, or 1000 people. I was talking about people who verbalize the fact that they are better than people. If you are a "Famous" GM user, I think you should look at someone like FredFredrickson. When people go "He is the best fucking GM user ever!!!", I've noticed he usually goes "Not the best." Other people, not saying any names, go "Yep, the greatest alive."

Also, Dabridge, we do have one thing in common: Waiting for that damn ignore function. Right now, you are going to be the first. Even before Boss. That says alot.

So, if you don't wanna read my fucking blogs, then get the fuck off of my user page. In fact, on the front page, when you rollover someone's blog, it says the author. So, if you rollover it, and it's by me, don't fucking click it.

Like I said, I might have to leave 64Digits. I don't know yet.


Edit: I'll post about school and shit in tomorrow's blog. I am going to stay at 64Digits. Frankly, when V3 comes, I will be very strict about my Ignored User's list. If you piss me off, you are on it.</b>



Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago

OpticalLiam, that didn't contribute anything to the blog, so I deleted it.

Kaz, as for number 3, I meant I am a target for them to flame and shit. They test all their n00by little insults on me.

Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago

Kaz, as for number 3, I meant I am a target for them to flame and shit. They test all their n00by little insults on me.
Ah yes, I never really had that problem. I always had a good reputation and I am one of those people that others look up to.

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

I considered leaving 64digits for that, and another reason.

Somehow I judged against it.

I think you just learn to deal with them after a while, and you know school probably stresses you out too.

I'm not exactly sure what's been going on with you and Gigapixel/Boss/Dabridge, but apparently they only wanted to be on the n00b list for fame. Why they want to be famous for being a noob, I have no clue. They're just idiots.

Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago


Rez 18 years, 5 months ago

I have been accused of being the Phantom.

I been called worse things. =, Its the art of flame, my friend.

Requiem 18 years, 5 months ago

Heheh. Someone accused <b>me</b> of being the Phantom.

Which, frankly, is the most retarded accusation I've ever heard.

Anyway, Eternal, I whole-heartedly agree with a lot of what you have to say. I'd like to point out, though, that one of the bigger reasons the average intelligence of the users here was high was that we had a degree of relative anonymity. As our popularity increases, more and more of <i>them</i> are going to find their way here and try to use it as another vent for their unquenchable desire for attention. Oh, and I'd also like to say, I don't like your avatar. But that's really not important.

Oh, and REZ? It's worse, not worser. And if you said it as some sort of cute humor, remember:

<b>Spelling and grammar are never funny.</b>

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago

@REZ: I didn't mean that they were insulting me really bad. I actually respect good flames. That's why I got the idea for GMFlame. I find it too be fun. Not when it gets past the level of joking. I used the Phantom example because that is how stupid this is getting. The Phantom was caught a long time ago. Also, that goes way back to the last time I considered leaving 64Digits; when the Phantom first came, and everyone was going "Dude, you just want attention!"

Also, Dabridge, I read the PM.

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago

@JakeX: Yeah, I remember that. I think it started as a joke…

Yes, I understand that the percentage of n00bs hasn't changed, the site just got bigger. I honestly wouldn't mind though, if they didn't keep intentionally making horrible attempts at flames towards me. Also, my avatar sucks resized. I lost the original template for the skull, so eventually I have to remake the whole thing again. If you view the actual image, I personally like it,

Yes, that was off-topic there, but whatever.

Also, I agree about the spelling and grammar thing. The only time I find it humourous is in a flame, when you are making fun of someone else's spelling/grammar.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

damnit, why the fuck is everybody against mexicans? nearly everybody on this site that i've chatted with says: dirty mexican or something like that… it's so fucking retarded… why don't you complain on the US? they had slavery… and you don't give a fuck? so stop fucking using my country as a negative example as use your own, damnit…

DFortun81 18 years, 5 months ago

You know, I've kinda noticed this too. When I first came to 64D, it was just to avoid the annoying people. It had awesome games, most of the influential people that were on the GMC, and bloging!

Now, I look at the front page and say to myself, "Was I ever this bad?" (yeah… pretty much!)

Unless someone makes a site where you need to know the 1337est of all 1337est passwords to get in, there will still be n00bs. It's a problem everywhere, not just here. Look at MySpace for example, big place, tons of people, but EVERYONE has one now-a-days (even psychos).

So, my point is… Where would you go if you left? Stay in your room staring at a blank screen? Watch C-Span?!?
