I have returned!!!

Posted by Eternal on Sept. 17, 2006, 1:40 p.m.

–<b>My life (Or lack of it):</b>


I went camping. We left on Friday at about 4:00. We got there around five. We set everything up, and got a fire going. Our campsite was really nice.

We cooked hot dogs on the fire, they were okay. They weren't quite done enough. Then we went hiking, for about an hour.

That night, it thunderstormed from about 10:00 to 6:45. It was soaked when we got up. Well, I didn't really fall asleep. Whenever I sleep in a tent, I fade in and out of consiousness the whole night. Yes, I know, I butchered that word.

On Saturday, we got up, and cooked bagels on the fire. They were great. Then, we made hamburgers. Yes, for breakfast. They were the best burgers I ever had in my life. They dissolved in juice as soon as they touched my tounge. They had more flavor than anything I have ever had in my life before. Best. Burger. Ever. Created.

Then, we went fishing 'til about 12 or so. It was just dock fishing, so we hardly caught anything. In fact, the only thing we caught was a Perch, to small to keep. It was fun though.

We went back to our campsite, got the fire going again, and made hot dogs. They were alot better than our last attempt. Not as good as the burgers, but really good. Then, we went out fishing again.

This time, there was an old lady there. She was an Amatuer, she did competitions and all. We talked to her for a bit, then headed back at about 2 or so.

When we got back, we decided to go for a walk into town, about 2 miles away. It was a really nice walk, actually. Then, we made the mistake of getting large malts when we got into town. We both almost threw up by the time we got back.

My dad slept for about an hour, and I read more of <i>The Langoliers</i>. It's a good book, so far.

He got up, and we hung out for a while. At about 5:30 or 6, we got dinner going. We had hamburgers, again. They were excellent, once again, better than I have had anywhere else, except for that mornings.

Then, we got a huge fire going, and hung out by it. It was giant, you could feel it's warmth across the campsite, even. We had a couple of smores each, and kept throwing acorns into the fire. Then we went up to by some more firewood. Turns out we had a Tornado Watch. We didn't care, though.

We kept the fire going for quite a while. Then, at 10:30, about, the rain started. It just poured. So, we threw the chairs in the car, and ran into the tent. We watched the fire from there. It lasted a good half an hour, we built a good one.

Then, this morning, we had burgers and bagels again. Really good, but still not close yesterday's. We fished, but left after an hour, cause it was way too cold.

Then, we made hot dogs, and packed up. We let the fire burn til about 12:30, then it went out. So, we left.

I ended up home, took a shower, and wrote this.

–<b>My Internet Life:</b>


I will be staying at 64Digits.

Why the hell is everyone changing their names? It's confusing. I came back, and I was like "What the hell? Who's that?" like, 3 times.

You are all in for a suprise, soon. I will not say anything more than that.

I think you should make .html files uploadable. That way, people could all have simple HTML sites here, too. For example, http://www.64digits.com/users/username/index.html. That way, people couldn't get into your file manager, either.

—–<b>Other Computer-Related Stuff:</b>

Anyone know when the TGTV submissions are due? I should work on mine soon… I just have the intro done. It took like, a half an hour for 15 seconds.

Does anyone have a copy of EricDB's Dictionary DLL? The one that has more than 250,000 words? The link on the GMC is broken.

I am looking for someone interested in tutoring me in PHP and MySQL.

I am now debating whether or not I want to try to get 64Digits to host GMFlame. I'm not sure if I want them too, anymore. It would be cool, but some of the staff pisses me off.

I need a new banner, and avatar. I don't like my banner, and the avatar looks like shit resized.

TG's Wall Site

Wall 1 pwnz.

—–<b>Edit Log:</b>

Edit 1: Organized blog.

Edit 2: Fixed a typo, and the blog title.

Edit 3: Added a question, fixed a typo.

Edit 4: Added the link to the Wall Site.

So, yeah. Comment.



Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago
Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago


Kaz 18 years, 5 months ago

I know a little PHP, not much MySQL though.

Amarin 18 years, 5 months ago

@Firebird: You're <i>an</i> moron? xD

Grammar. :P

Eternal hates people who use bad grammar. :P

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago

Like I have said before, I don't mind mistakes. It's n00b speak that pisses me off.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Why the hell is everyone changing their names? It's confusing. I came back, and I was like "What the hell? Who's that?" like, 3 times.

I've corrected your grammar for you:

Why the fuck is everyone changing their names and avatars at the same time? It's confusing as hell. I was here the whole time, and I was like "What the hell? Who's that?" like, 23 times.

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago


WaleedAmer 18 years, 5 months ago

LMFAO Polytherosterfaturbatingopher Boy.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

amerup, if you meant Polytetraflouroethylene Boy, that's ChIkEn's new name, not mine.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

lmao, i kept my old avatar…