What's Eternal doing to his blogs?

Posted by Eternal on Sept. 18, 2006, 4:13 p.m.

He is going to start standardizing them

Here's how it's going to work:

The title will always be a question. The question will be answered in the blog. It will always have an introduction, like this, and then the main blog. The main blog will consist of my life, computer-related stuff, a Character of the Blog section, and, sometimes, a small rant.

Okay, so, here's the blog:

–<b>My Life: (Or lack of one)</b>

School went okay. Here's pretty much how it went:

First period, Tech Ed. I finished this "Super-clip" thingy… I also got a detention for pinching my friend's nipple with it.

Second period, Gym. It was a fun class. Me, Kayly (Who is really hot.), Dominic, and Collin were all hanging out. We kept trying to do headstands, it was humourous. My pants kept falling down. Then Kayly tried to pants Dominic, so Dominic tried to pants her. It was funny.

Third period, Spanish. We are working on time-telling right now. It's pretty basic, I'm starting to get it.

Fourth period, Social Studies. We watched this retarded video that thought it was funny. It wasn't. I hated it.

Fifth period, Science. It's a boring class, I don't do anything. My stupid partner kept breaking everything, too.

Sixth period, Math. We had this sub, and she was better than my normal teacher. But she didn't give us any time to do our homework.

Seventh period, English. We listened to people give speeches. I have to give mine tomorrow, not looking forward to it.

–<b>Computer related shit.</b>

I have two projects in GM that I am honestly working hard on. Haha, I said 'hard on'…

One of them was half inspired by some topic on the GMC, and half by Math class. It is going to be a set of a bunch of scripts, functions that GM should have. It will also have a plug-in element to GM, like an added button. I will take submissions for scripts after I get it farther along.

The second project is a suprise.

Also, I am looking for someone to tutor me in PHP and MySQL. Anyone wanna?

Boss, or, Dark_Sonic, if you are reading this, will you please explain to me what your comment meant on my last blog? You said I made a blog about how I hated someone…. I didn't get it…

–<b>Character of the Blog:</b>

First off, let me explain this. It will be any one that I know in real life, 64Digits, or a TV show, etc. Just any person or character is qualified.

This Blog is…

Polystyrene Man!!!

I went to his site, and read through alot of what it had to say. It was very, very interesting. I enjoyed it alot. He is a really cool guy, too.

–<b>No rant today.</b>



Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Nice, I'm the first Character of the Blog. Do I get to make a public service announcement?

Eternal 18 years, 5 months ago


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Save a kitten; eat a puppy.

Rez 18 years, 5 months ago

^^ I'm cool with the first part. X(

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, PM's site is pretty awesome. :)

chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

That puppy joke isn't funny poly… not as funny as the fact that my dad's favorite snack as a kid was bbq'd dog. xD Dead serious.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Ha, awesome. It's actually not a joke. It's a public service announcement.

And they still eat dog in Asia. Which I honestly don't find the least bit disgusting. People used to eat dog all around the world, but somehow the trend died off when people realized that they could be eating a potential, "Pal" or "Buddy" or "Teddy".

chiggerfruit 18 years, 5 months ago

Yah, we're filipino so… my dad wants a siberian huskey… pretty sure he wants it for a pet and not a delicacy.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Nice. [:)]

Az 18 years, 5 months ago

It might of been the blog before…