This blog is by Eternal.

Posted by Eternal on Sept. 30, 2006, 9:01 a.m.

There. If you don't like me, and don't wanna read this shit, you have been warned, and it's entirely your fault.

I am extending my horizons. That's right. I downloaded IO, and it's confusing as hell. So, I'm gonna hold off on learning it. I also have been toying with PAWN, and it's not half bad. XBasic, well, I still can't figure out how to fucking compile it. Nor can I find anybody who still uses XBasic. Now all of them use XBLite instead. I am taking the Euphoria Course over at The Game Programming University. I am currently on the first lecture. Literally. I just made a program that prints the sum of 2 and 2, and now I am taking a small break to write this.

Now, I still get people telling me not to leave GM. I am not going to say this anymore; <b>I am not leaving Game Maker. In fact, I will still be using Game Maker a lot. I will just be using other languages, as well. You should be happy, because I might get good and make you .DLL's and extensions in GM7.</b> Actually, here are my GM plans:

I am making 2 examples, an AI example, and an RPG example. They should be done in a couple weeks. The AI example won't be top-notch, but it'll be decent. AI's never been my specialty, but I'll give it a shot. The RPG system will be real-time, with levels and stats, and I hope it's really good.

I am making an oxymoron. The first Good Surreal Game in GM. WHAT?!?! I know, impossible! It's going to be a shooter, and here's how it's gonna be surreal:

When enemies die, they say something, and fade out huge.

Color scheme will be deep blue/purple.

There will be random holes in the lighting.

The shadows won't follow the light.

And those are just some odd examples.

Also, I am still going to make a blog editor, but not nessesarily for 64Digits. I thought of a new feature: Timing. I could use it to time myself on how long it takes me to blog, and then how long it takes me to spell check. Then, I could prove it doesn't take long, so that people have to excuse to spell like shit. Unless English isn't there native language. I mean like, txt talk.

So, yeah, I'll post more later, I gotta get back to class. XD!



NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 11 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 11 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 11 months ago

–> eternal, i just saw u logged on lol