Art blast OFFffff!!

Posted by Eva unit-01 on Nov. 14, 2010, 9:22 p.m.

In short. My internet is now shut off due to cable bill that cannot be paid atm. I'm running off a very sensitive 1 bar wifi signal right now. And I just got done having an art block..

Now for the good

Apparently, art blocks mean you level up if you survive them. I survived…and therefore have leveled up. And I have proof.

These were all drawn in the past 4 days. Right after I killed art blockage, WOOT….enjoy.


SteveKB 14 years, 3 months ago

you are a good artists :D

Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

@Sir Xemic: xD I think I heard you say that somewhere before…oh yea, thanks again lol.

@Mordi: I've actually checked out the MGS concept art before, and it's pretty epic, I've been told some of my works look like em too, which is awesome.

@Alert Games: Yeeup, thanks man.

@Meow44: Thankyou ^_^, hopefully I'll end up where I wanna be…in the game industry, woo!

Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

As a side note, aren't assassins supposed to wield more subtle weaponry and sorta blend in with the background?

This one is an axaxin. Ho ho ho.

Love the silhouettes.

colseed 14 years, 3 months ago

I rather like how you detailed the silhouettes.

Third one (crouching soldier-person) is my favorite for some reason.

Also, first silhouette makes me think "teddy bear". Jus' sayin'.

Moikle 14 years, 3 months ago

what tablet are you using, (if none then…wow)

Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

@Cesque: LOL, that fits perfect…axaxin..*applauds*. Thanks man.

@colseed: Yea, I didn't want to do too much detail on them, so I tried to keep it light and subtle…TRIED lol. And the first one just sucks pretty much, he was gonna be like…a midget soldier guy or whatever, didn't work out too well.

@Moikle: I use a Bamboo Pen tablet. I wouldn't be able to pull off most of these without it. (Although I 3D sculpt, and animate FxF using my mouse).

colseed 14 years, 3 months ago

Meh, I'm fairly sure giant teddy bears wearing bomb disposal suits DO work out rather well… :D

The contrast on those silhouettes is good, helps bring out more detailed forms.