Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp
And it read, "GunZet's a pimp"Drunk as hell but no throwin upHalf way home and my pager still blowin upToday I didn't even have to use my A.K.I gotta say it was a good day No really, it was a good day. Lemme list shit.1: You guys don't know, but I'm a 'teacher' over at an old school I used to go to. I help the advanced students with the program Zbrush. Today I met the afternoon class where there are four advanced students…they were in awe, and I really helped them a lot. It was epic. I think I impressed myself….I'm usually shy as hell.2: Came back home and stopped off at the corner store to get a bag of chips. I skated around the corner like I always do. Busting an ollie up the curb.I then noticed one of the dude who works there. I talk to him sometimes, he said he had some wheels for me, they're free, and check back around like 2 tomorrow.Awesome.3: After five months, I managed to revive my manga/comic with an additional 7 pages.Check it out here.http://tripleflip.smackjeeves.com/4: I didn't have to use my AK, today was a good day.
Down here we got like 3 or 4 surprise blizzards. But now the ground is dry for the most part. I've been skating all week basically. Learned how to Nollie BS Flip 2 weeks ago. That trick feels sooo gud.