The Phuncky Feel One

Posted by Eva unit-01 on April 8, 2011, 12:05 a.m.

By Cypress HIll

This song's the shit.

Anyway, with this last hour left in the day over here. I shall reveal that I am now an old man. As I am 20 now.


I don't know if this means I get a cane or not, but I did get a nice cheesecake platter. Time to gorge myself out.

Note: That I would have said this earlier, but I'm not one who blurts out his b-day like it matters so much. So I kept it secret like…forever. But since it's passed now, hey, why not xD.

I am as of now, sitting super fking tired. And I just remembered I started to draw this Kung Lao pic in class earlier today, but forgot….I gotta scan it in though. And I'm too lazy for that, ugh.

Anyways. Later.

I shall return to posting art SOON.


Ferret 13 years, 8 months ago


We are the same age :o