You're Gonna Go Far Kid - The OffspringSo what have I been up to?For those who don't know, I'm a concept artist (currently the only one, and I take on characters, props, and environments in both 2D and 3D) On this project've been busy like hell with all the concept work I gotta do. I think a few of my building models are making it into the game though, which is awesome.Personal stuff I've been up to has been far and little in between.I still have to finish that Sin City drawing I started.And finish a research essay, which I really would just die.But I did manage to start this this morning for practice.Here's how it looks so far.![Image](
Nice job on the trucks/wheels, they look pretty accurate. What technique do you use when modelling (box, edge, etc.)?
The whole model I just used primitives and a bunch of other little techniques. But mainly prims.
The trucks are just cylinders. The axle bolts are cylinders *But I used a boolean operation to get the desired shape*. The wheels, cylinders *they have a square core*. The bearings are cylinders. The baseplate *which isn't shown atm* Is a square. And the board itself is a square.Awesome, the results are great btw, keep it up!
Thanks Aeron. Well, I worked on it some more, and it got a bit tedious trying to line everything up as good as possible lol.
I tweaked the position of the holes in the board, and fixed some issues with the trucks. Posted the final model.Now comes texturing…I think…or I might to an overcolor.Nicely done, now skin that board, its naked.
*hits Eva right between the eyes with the thousand lies and a good disguise*
yay the offspring is EPIC
*gets better all the time*
Excellent! Boolean modeling? Reminds me of when I used to play around with the Bryce5 rendering suite - they had awesome boolean modeling support, and you could do some excellent stuff with it.
@Scott: Yea man, I really don't wanna unwrap this XD, but I'll definitely try it.
@Cesque: *Sees them running for their lives*@Moikle: Damn straight, I love The Offspring@F1ak3r: Lol of course heh@DesertFox: The only part I used boolean on were the axle bolts. It was a weird shape so I figured I'd go ahead and boolean it. I got it down to all quads and one triangle in that though.Bryce was actually the first 3D program I ever used, back in middle school. It was damn epic.