Ascension Sickness

Posted by Eva unit-01 on May 31, 2012, 7:32 p.m.

So guys, not much drawing lately, as I'm back in class for Summer semester. But I shall have some worthwhile soon.

Here's a simple little fan-piece I did recently.

Madhatter from the Alice games.

Yo so, holy shit like, The Binding of Isaac DLC Wrath of The Lamb came out a few days ago. I bought it a day after it came out, and started really getting into it this morning.

GWAAAAAAA, love it, everyone needs to get this shite, man.

Here's a few pics of my runs.

Me going against Lust. Due to picking up a new item called dead dove or something, I was able to just camp over some rocks, and shoot spectral tears at her. She couldn't touch me.]/i]

Later on in the same run, after kicking ass, flawlessly, I came across this guy in The Womb II. He mimics your every move, and only attacks if you attack, so it's a strategy game right here.

I beat Mom and Mom's Heart, and chose the ending over continuing deeper into the basement, which was a stupid choice. I had so much good stuff. Unlocked Judas though.

Here's me in my playthrough as Judas, who only has one heart to begin with.

I ended up pretty lucky, and got Sister Maggie, and two cubes of meat.

I also came across The Headless Horseman, killed him in no time, and jacked that fools ride, which is awesome.

Aw man, I love this game.

Oh, got these a few days ago in the mail too. The GoW3 COG tags, pretty awesome, but I had to knot some spots up cause the chain's a bit too long for my taste.


JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

Fun fact: Cliff cried while playing Lunar on the PSX.

"Because I was a dorky Otaku."


JID 12 years, 6 months ago

You haven't seen the images of Unreal Engine 4 yet?

Tbh I don't see anything all that impressive. And the new features sure as hell won't go into use on this current generation of systems, unless Epic turns back to PC where they honestly belong.

Not to mention I went back and looked at the tech demo for Unreal Engine 3… why the hell ahven't we seen stuff that looks that good YET?
Yeah, I have.

I wasn't that impressed either, but they've most likely made it looked better since then(what has it been, like a year since they first shown those?)

I'm not counting that newer pic with the fantasy setting though.

Maybe it'll run in 60 or even 90fps? That'd be impressive.

edit: Actually, it has been over a year.