
Posted by Eva unit-01 on June 26, 2012, 5:17 a.m.

Cause I really freaking need it right now.

So it's been a slow week of drawing. I know, I know, I would usually draw more.

But, I just haven't been able to crank em out like I have two weeks ago ;a;

It's because I'm…


It's been nothing but 90s and 100s the past what, week? And about high 80s the whole month.

I have two fans in my room, and a blackout curtain which I got recently.

That shit doesn't work for shit, it's totally relentless.

I walk into my room after class, and it's like someone left a heater on all day. And it's completely dark, and the fans are blowing hot air.

Today we broke a record that has only been broken twice, once in 1878, and again in 2005, when we reached 105 degrees.

Just… fml.

Anyways. Here are two I managed to draw whilst baking in my room. It is 4am right now, and relatively cool. And I'm enjoying every bit of it, until hell resurfaces in the form of a massive ball of light that hovers in the sky at around 6am.

In unrelated news, iBought a 32gb iTouch last week. iLove it so much, man. It's awesome. Ahem… right… enjoy.


Eva unit-01 12 years, 6 months ago

I was actually thinking about getting a Vita. Then I realised as a handheld gaming platform, it's pretty much failed on all levels, and got my iTouch instead.

PSP all day, man.

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

I was actually thinking about getting a Vita. Then I realised as a handheld gaming platform, it's pretty much failed on all levels


The Vita is awesome, you dirty hipster.

Praying Mantis 12 years, 6 months ago

That last drawing strongly reminds me of Afro Samurai.

This style is so simple and effective. It looks really lovely, and would be absolutely perfect for a graphic novel. Seriously, man, come up with a simple and interesting plot, incorporate these characters in this style, and you've got yourself an excellent comic book.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 6 months ago

Man, that's what a lot of people keep telling me to do lol. I WANT to start up a comic. Thing is, I'm horrible at storylines, and I just don't have the kind of patience anymore to flesh out whole worlds and stuff. It's like one or the other, but very rarely both.

I may try somewhere in the near/far future. Thanks. This style is quite fun.

LAR Games 12 years, 6 months ago

When the PS Vita is finally jailbroken, it will officially be better than the iPod touch in every way.

Except pixel density.

Eva unit-01 12 years, 6 months ago

Really the only reasons I didn't get a Vita, or the Asus EEE Slate/ Asus Transformer Prime, is size and personal usage. Vita definitely isn't pocket size, and has a slim selection of good games. Just like my beloved PSP. Not to mention the games top out at around 40 bucks, and you can't use UMDs.

Then when I was going to get a tablet. I realized that I really don't like Android much, as it tends to get a bit unstable at times, and I have no idea what I'd use it for other than internet and Youtube. Same thing with the EEE Slate, which runs the Windows7 OS. My girlfriend has that tablet. My only interest in it was that you could use it as a cheap Cintiq. But paying Close to 2k for that would've been pointless, as I could get a real Cintiq for that much.

Sooooo I got an iTouch, where there's a bunch of cool little games like Shadowgun, N.O.V.A. (1, 2, and 3), Touch Grind, etc. And the most expensive games are all Final Fantasy games, which top at about $15.99. Not to mention I can fit the thing in my pocket and use it for many, many more things. I'm not one to love Apple all too much, as I'm a Windows dude. But this shit is ace in my book. Good gaming, portability, and productivity all in one. And the bitchin' 'retina display' of the 4th gen.

Lol, why did I write this.

Praying Mantis 12 years, 6 months ago

I honestly wouldn't worry too much about a storyline. I plan on making a very short comic/graphic novel, and the story is pretty much just about a guy moving into a new house, and defending it against a few rabble rousers. The plot is uninteresting, but I'll be focusing on the little, more subtly meaningful things (setting detail, dialogue, etc).